A newer release of this product is available.
volume flexcache origin config modify
Modify FlexCache Origin Configuration
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.
The volume flexcache origin config modify
command modifies volume specific options of an origin of a FlexCache volume.
-origin-vserver <Vserver Name>
- Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies the Vserver in which the origin of a FlexCache volume is located.
-origin-volume <volume name>
- Origin Volume Name (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies the origin of a FlexCache volume.
[-is-bli-enabled {true|false}]
- Is BLI Enabled (privilege: advanced)-
This parameter specifies whether data invalidation at block level is enabled or not. By default,
The following example modifies the is-bli-enabled field value to true:
cluster1::> flexcache origin config modify -origin-volume origin_flexgroup -origin-vserver vs3_c2 -is-bli-enabled true (volume flexcache origin config show)
cluster1::> flexcache origin config show -origin-volume origin_flexgroup -origin-vserver vs3_c2 (volume flexcache origin config show) Vserver: vs3_c2 Origin Volume Name: origin_flexgroup Is BLI Enabled: true