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ONTAP commands
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vserver nvme subsystem host add

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Add a host to a subsystem

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver nvme subsystem host add command adds an FC-NVMe host to an NVMe subsystem on a Vserver.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

Specifies the Vserver.

-subsystem <text> - Subsystem

Specifies the NVMe target subsystem.

-host-nqn <text> - Host NQN

Specifies the NVMe subsystem host NQN.


cluster::*> vserver nvme subsystem host add -vserver vs_1 -subsystem sub_1 -host-nqn

Adds a host with the specified NQN to the NVMe subsystem sub_1 on Vserver vs_1 .