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Validate the configuration of the expanded cluster

Contributors netapp-mwallis

After you expand the cluster, you must validate the configuration by running Config Advisor and using some commands that verify cluster health and cluster replication rings.

  1. Check the health of the configuration by running Config Advisor:

    1. Start Config Advisor, and then click Collect Data.

      Config Advisor displays any problems found.

    2. If problems are found, correct them and run the tool again.

  2. Ensure that all nodes in the cluster are in a healthy state by using the cluster show command.

    cluster-1::> cluster show
    Node                  Health  Eligibility
    --------------------- ------- ------------
    cluster1-1            true    true
    cluster1-2            true    true
    cluster1-3            true    true
    cluster1-4            true    true
    4 entries were displayed.
  3. Ensure that the cluster replication rings have the same epoch, database epoch, and database transaction numbers on all nodes in the cluster:

    The easiest way to compare transaction numbers is to view them for one unit name at a time.

    1. Set the privilege level to advanced by using the set -privilege advanced command.

    2. View cluster ring information about the first unit name by using the cluster ring show command with the -unitname mgmt parameter, and verify that all nodes have the same number in the Epoch, DB Epoch, and DB Trnxs columns.

      cluster-1::*> cluster ring show -unitname mgmt
      Node      UnitName Epoch    DB Epoch DB Trnxs Master    Online
      --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ---------
                mgmt     2        2        959      cluster1-1
                mgmt     2        2        959      cluster1-2
                mgmt     2        2        959      cluster1-3
                mgmt     2        2        959      cluster1-3
      4 entries were displayed.
    3. Repeat the command with the -unitname vldb parameter.

    4. Repeat the command with the -unitname vifmgr parameter.

    5. Repeat the command with the -unitname bcomd parameter.

    6. Repeat the command with the -unitname crs parameter.

    7. Return the privilege level to admin by using the set -privilege admin command.