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Create an export policy for the volume

Contributors netapp-mwallis

Before any NFS clients can access a volume, you must create an export policy for the volume, add a rule that permits access by an administration host, and apply the new export policy to the volume.

  1. Navigate to the SVMs window.

  2. Click the SVM Settings tab.

  3. Create a new export policy:

    1. In the Policies pane, click Export Policies and then click Create.

    2. In the Create Export Policy window, specify a policy name.

    3. Under Export Rules, click Add to add a rule to the new policy.

    This screenshot is described by the preceding text.
  4. In the Create Export Rule dialog box, create a rule that allows an administrator full access to the export through all protocols:

    1. Specify the IP address or client name, such as admin_host, from which the exported volume will be administered.

    2. Select CIFS and NFSv3.

    3. Ensure that all Read/Write access details are selected, as well as Allow Superuser Access.

      This screenshot is described by the preceding text.
    4. Click OK and then click Create.

    The new export policy is created, along with its new rule.

  5. Apply the new export policy to the new volume so that the administrator host can access the volume:

    1. Navigate to the Namespace window.

    2. Select the volume and click Change Export Policy.

    3. Select the new policy and click Change.