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metrocluster configuration-settings mediator remove

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Tear down connections between the Mediator and MetroCluster nodes

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The metrocluster configuration-settings mediator remove command removes the connection between the mediator and all the nodes in a MetroCluster configuration.

Mediator username and password are required to successfully remove the mediator.



The following example removes the connections between the nodes and the mediator in a MetroCluster configuration over IP setup:
clusA::> metrocluster configuration-settings mediator remove
      Removing the mediator and disabling Automatic Unplanned Switchover. It may take a few minutes to complete.
      Please enter the username for the mediator: mediatoradmin
      Please enter the password for the mediator:
      Confirm the mediator password:
      Disabling Automatic Unplanned Switchover for all nodes in the cluster...
      Removing mediator mailboxes...
      Performing final cleanup...
      Successfully removed the mediator.