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volume flexcache prepopulate start
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Prepopulate flexcache volume
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the advanced privilege level.
The `volume flexcache prepopulate start` command is used to prepopulate a FlexCache volume with the data of given directory path(s) from the origin volume.
The FlexCache prepopulate job fails when the directories listed with the -path-list have one or more non-existing paths.
-cache-vserver <vserver name>
- Cache Vserver Name (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies the Vserver that has the FlexCache volume to be prepopulated.
-cache-volume <volume name>
- Cache Volume Name (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies the FlexCache volume which needs to be prepopulated.
-path-list <text>,…
- List of Paths (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies an array of directory names that need to be prepopulated in the FlexCache volume.
[-isRecursion {true|false}]
- Recursively populate (privilege: advanced)-
This specifies that the directories listed with the
need to be recursively prepopulated in the-cache-volume
FlexCache volume.The default value is true.
The following example triggers FlexCache volume prepopulate:
cluster1::> flexcache prepopulate start -cache-volume vol_cache2_vs3_c2_vol_origin1_vs1_c1 -cache-vserver vs3_c2 -path-list /dir1 -isRecursion false (volume flexcache prepopulate start) [JobId 164]: FlexCache prepopulate job queued.
cluster1::> flexcache prepopulate start -cache-volume vol_cache2_vs3_c2_vol_origin1_vs1_c1 -cache-vserver vs3_c2 -path-list /dir1 (volume flexcache prepopulate start) [JobId 188]: FlexCache prepopulate job queued.
cluster1::> flexcache prepopulate start -cache-volume vol_cache2_vs3_c2_vol_origin1_vs1_c1 -cache-vserver vs3_c2 -path-list /dir1, dir5, dir6 (volume flexcache prepopulate start) Error: command failed: Path(s) "dir5, dir6" does not exist in origin volume "vol_origin1_vs1_c1" in Vserver "vs1_c1".