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vserver object-store-server bucket modify

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Modify an object store server bucket

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver object-store-server bucket modify command modifies an object store server bucket.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

This parameter specifies the name of the Vserver for the object store server which you want to modify.

-bucket <TextNoCase> - Object Store Server Bucket Name

This parameter specifies the name of the object store server bucket which you want to modify.

[-comment <text>] - Object Store Server Bucket Comment

This parameter specifies the text comment for the object store server bucket.

[-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Size of the Bucket

This parameter specifies the size of the object store server bucket.

[-qos-policy-group <text>] - QoS policy group

A policy group defines measurable service level objectives (SLOs) that apply to the storage objects with which the policy group is associated. If you do not assign a policy group to a bucket, the system wil not monitor and control the traffic to it.


The following example modifies the comment of the object store server bucket for Vserver vs1.

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket modify -vserver vs1 -bucket testbucket -comment test