Modifying connection settings for S3 API
After the Archive Node is configured to connect to an external archival storage system through the S3 API, you can modify some settings should the connection change.
You must be signed in to the Grid Manager using a supported browser.
You must have specific access permissions.
If you change the Cloud Tiering (S3) account, you must ensure that the user access credentials have read/write access to the bucket, including all objects that were previously ingested by the Archive Node to the bucket.
Select Support > Tools > Grid Topology.
Select Archive Node > ARC > Target.
Select Configuration > Main.
Modify account information, as necessary.
If you change the storage class, new object data is stored with the new storage class. Existing object continue to be stored under the storage class set when ingested.
Bucket Name, Region, and Endpoint, use AWS values and cannot be changed. -
Click Apply Changes.