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Controller-to-stack cabling worksheets and cabling examples for platforms with internal storage - shelves with IOM12/IOM12B modules

Contributors netapp-lisa

You can use the completed controller-to-stack cabling worksheets and cabling examples to cable platforms with internal storage.

Note This information does not apply to FAS25XX platforms.
  • If needed, you can refer to SAS cabling rules and concepts for information about supported configurations, shelf-to-shelf connectivity, and controller-to-shelf connectivity.

  • Cabling examples show controller-to-stack cables as solid or dashed to distinguish controller 0b/0b1 port connections from controller 0a port connections.

    Cable type key for platforms with onboard storage
  • Cabling examples show controller-to-stack connections and shelf-to-shelf connections in two different colors to distinguish connectivity through IOM A (domain A) and IOM B (domain B).

    Cable color key for platforms with onboard storage

FAS2800 platform in a multipath HA configuration with no external shelves

The following example shows that no cabling is needed to acheive multipath HA connectivity:

FAS2800 multipath HA with no external shelves

FAS2800 platform in a tri-path HA configuration with no external shelves

The following cabling example shows required cabling between the two controllers to achieve tri-path connectivity:

Fas2800 Tri path HA cabling example with no external shelves

FAS2800 platform in a tri-path HA configuration with one multi-shelf stack

The following worksheet and cabling example uses port pair 0a/0b1:

FAS2800 tri path HA cabling worksheet showing port pairs for stack 1
FAS2800 tri path HA cabling example to one stack

Platforms with internal storage in a multipath HA configuration with one multi-shelf stack

The following worksheet and cabling example uses port pair 0a/0b:

Note This section does not apply to FAS2800 or FAS25XX systems.
Multipath HA cabling worksheet for platforms with internal storage and one stack
Multipath HA cabling example for platforms with internal storage

FAS2600 series multipath configuration with one multi-shelf stack

The following worksheets and cabling examples use port pair 0a/0b.

In this example, the controller is installed in slot A of the chassis. When a controller is located in slot A of the chassis, its internal storage port (0b) is in domain A (IOM A); therefore, port 0b must connect to domain A (IOM A) in the stack.

FAS2600 cabling worksheet showing the port pair for a multipath configuration
FAS2600 multipath cabling example with controller in chassis slot 1

In this example, the controller is installed in slot B of the chassis. When a controller is located in slot B of the chassis, its internal storage port (0b) is in domain B (IOM B); therefore, port 0b must connect to domain B (IOM B) in the stack.

FAS2600 cabling worksheet showing the port pair for a multipath configuration
FAS2600 multipath cabling example with controller in chassis slot 2