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ONTAP MetroCluster

Cabling the FC-VI and HBA ports in a four-node fabric-attached MetroCluster configuration with array LUNs

Contributors netapp-thomi netapp-aoife

If you are setting up a four-node fabric-attached MetroCluster configuration with array LUNs, you must cable the FC-VI ports and the HBA ports to the switch ports.

About this task
  • You must repeat this task for each controller at both of the MetroCluster sites.

  • If you plan to use disks in addition to array LUNs in your MetroCluster configuration, you must use the HBA ports and switch ports specified for configuration with disks.

  1. Cable the FC-VI ports from each controller to the ports on alternate FC switches.

    The following example shows the connections between the FC-VI ports and switch ports at Site A:

    four node mcc fc vi switch connections
  2. Perform the controller-to-switch cabling at both of the MetroCluster sites.

    You must ensure redundancy in connections from the controller to the switches. Therefore, for each controller at a site, you must ensure that both of the HBA ports in the same port pair are connected to alternate FC switches.

    The following example shows the connections between the HBA ports and switch ports at Site A:

    four node mcc hba switch connections

    The following table lists the connections between the HBA ports on controller_A_1 and the FC switch ports in the illustration:

    HBA ports

    Switch ports

    Port pair

    Port a

    FC_switch_A_1, Port 2

    Port d

    FC_switch_A_2, Port 3

    Port pair

    Port b

    FC_switch_A_2, Port 2

    Port c

    FC_switch_A_1, Port 3

    The following table lists the connections between the HBA ports on controller_A_2 and the FC switch ports in the illustration:

    HBA ports

    Switch ports

    Port pair

    Port a

    FC_switch_A_1, Port 5

    Port d

    FC_switch_A_2, Port 6

    Port pair

    Port b

    FC_switch_A_2, Port 5

    Port c

    FC_switch_A_1, Port 6

After you finish

You should cable the ISLs between the FC switches across the MetroCluster sites.

Related information

When you are connecting ONTAP systems to FC switches for setting up a MetroCluster configuration with array LUNs, you must connect FC-VI and HBA ports from each controller to specific switch ports.