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ONTAP MetroCluster

Restoring connectivity from the surviving nodes to the disaster site (MetroCluster IP configurations)

Contributors netapp-aoife netapp-thomi netapp-pcarriga

You must restore the MetroCluster iSCSI initiator connections from the surviving nodes.

About this task

This procedure is only required on MetroCluster IP configurations.

  1. From either surviving node's prompt, change to the advanced privilege level:

    set -privilege advanced

    You need to respond with y when prompted to continue into advanced mode and see the advanced mode prompt (*>).

  2. Connect the iSCSI initiators on both surviving nodes in the DR group:

    storage iscsi-initiator connect -node surviving-node -label *

    The following example shows the commands for connecting the initiators on site B:

    site_B::*> storage iscsi-initiator connect -node node_B_1 -label *
    site_B::*> storage iscsi-initiator connect -node node_B_2 -label *
  3. Return to the admin privilege level:

    set -privilege admin