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ONTAP commands
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event destination modify

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(DEPRECATED)-Modify an event destination

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


Note This command has been deprecated. It may be removed from a future release of Data ONTAP. Instead, use the "event notification destination" command set.

The event destination modify command changes the definition of an existing event destination. An event destination is a list of addresses that receive event notifications. These addresses can be e-mail addresses, SNMP traphosts, and syslog servers. Event destinations are used by event routes. Event routes describe which events generate notifications, and event destinations describe where to send those notifications.

Modifying a parameter writes over the existing value of the parameter. To extend a parameter, make sure to include the current value of that parameter. For instance, to add an e-mail address to a destination, include all of the current e-mail addresses assigned to that destination along with the new address. To see the current definition of a destination, use the event destination show`-name`name command.

You must not create a destination that sends events to more than one type of recipient. Use separate destinations for e-mail, SNMP, and syslog activity. Also, use the traphost default destination for all SNMP activity. You should not create any other destination that sends to SNMP traphosts. The traphost default destination is not required to be added to any event route.


-name <text> - Name

This mandatory parameter specifies name of the event destination to modify.

[-mail <mail address>,…​] - Mail Destination

Use this parameter to specify one or more e-mail addresses to which event notifications will be sent. For events to properly generate e-mail notifications, the event system must also be configured with an address and mail server from which to send mail. See event config modify for more information.

[-snmp <Remote IP>,…​] - SNMP Destination

To send traps to SNMP trap hosts, use this parameter with the host names or IP addresses of those trap hosts.

[-syslog <Remote IP>,…​] - Syslog Destination

Use this parameter with the host names or IP addresses of any remote syslog daemons to which syslog entries will be sent.

[-syslog-facility <Syslog Facility>] - Syslog Facility

This parameter optionally specifies a syslog facility with which the syslog is sent. Possible values for this parameter are default, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, and local7. If you specify the default syslog facility, syslogs are tagged LOG_KERN or LOG_USER.

[-snmp-community <text>] - SNMP Trap Community

To specify an SNMP trap community, use this parameter with that string.

[-hide-parameters {true|false}] - Hide Parameter Values?

Enter this parameter with the value "true" to hide event parameters by removing them from event notifications. This is useful to prevent sensitive information from being sent over non-secure channels. Enter it with the value "false" to turn off parameter hiding.


The following example modifies an event destination named snmp.hosts to send events to SNMP trap hosts named traphost1 and traphost2:

cluster1::> event destination modify -name snmp.hosts -snmp,

This example adds the e-mail address of a remote support facility to an existing list of e-mail recipients.

cluster1::> event destination show -name support
Name: support
      Mail Destination:
      SNMP Destination: -
    Syslog Destination: -
       Syslog Facility: -
   SNMP Trap Community: -
Hide Parameter Values?: -

cluster1::> event destination modify -name support -mail,

cluster1::> event destination show -name support
Name: support
      Mail Destination:,
      SNMP Destination: -
    Syslog Destination: -
       Syslog Facility: -
   SNMP Trap Community: -
Hide Parameter Values?: -