snapmirror policy create
Create a new SnapMirror policy
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
The snapmirror policy create
command creates a SnapMirror policy. When applied to a SnapMirror relationship, the SnapMirror policy controls the behavior of the relationship and specifies the configuration attributes for that relationship. The policies DPDefault
, MirrorAllSnapshots
, MirrorAndVault
, MirrorLatest
, Unified7year
and XDPDefault
are created by the system for asynchronous replication. The policies Sync
and StrictSync
are created by the system for synchronous replication.
All SnapMirror policies have a field create-snapshot . This field specifies whether SnapMirror creates a new Snapshot copy on the primary volume at the beginning of a snapmirror update or snapmirror resync operation. Currently this field cannot be set or modified by the user. It is set to true for SnapMirror policies of type async-mirror and mirror-vault at the time of creation. SnapMirror policies of type vault have create-snapshot set to false at the time of creation.
Use the snapmirror policy add-rule command to add a rule to a policy. |
-vserver <vserver name>
- Vserver Name-
Specifies the Vserver for the SnapMirror policy.
-policy <sm_policy>
- SnapMirror Policy Name-
This parameter specifies the SnapMirror policy name. A policy name can be made up of the characters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ".", "-", and "_". The name can be up to 256 characters in length.
[-type {vault|async-mirror|mirror-vault|strict-sync-mirror|sync-mirror}]
- Snapmirror Policy Type-
This parameter specifies the SnapMirror policy type. The supported values are
. Data protection (DP) relationships support onlyasync-mirror
policy type, while extended data protection (XDP) relationships support all policy types.If the type is set to
then the policy is for Disaster Recovery. When the policy type is associated with extended data protection (XDP) relationships, snapmirror update and snapmirror resync operations transfer selected Snapshot copies from the primary volume to the secondary volume. The selection of Snapshot copies is governed by the rules in the policy. However snapmirror initialize and snapmirror update operations on data protection (DP) relationships ignore the rules in the policy and transferall
Snapshot copies of the primary volume which are newer than the common Snapshot copy on the destination. For both data protection (DP) and extended data protection (XDP) relationships, the Snapshot copies are kept on the secondary volume as long as they exist on the primary volume. Once a protected Snapshot copy is deleted from the primary volume, it is deleted from the secondary volume as part of the next transfer. The policy type supports rules with certain pre-defined label names only. Refer to the man page for the snapmirror policy add-rule command for the details.If the type is set to
then the policy is used for Backup and Archive. The rules in this policy type determine which Snapshot copies are protected and how long they are retained on the secondary volume. This policy type is supported by extended data protection (XDP) relationships only.If the type is set to
then the policy is used for unified data protection which provides both Disaster Recovery and Backup using the same secondary volume. This policy type is supported by extended data protection (XDP) relationships only.If the type is set to
then the policy is used for synchronous Disaster Recovery. These are supported only by extended data protection (XDP) relationships between FlexVol volumes. Once the relationship is initialized with snapmirror initialize , the relationship will be InSync such that all writes to the primary will be replicated to the secondary before the write is acknowledged to the client. Upon a replication failure, relationship falls OutOfSync. Upon an OutOfSync event, thestrict-sync-mirror
variant restricts further client IO on the primary, whereas thesync-mirror
variant does not. SnapMirror will automatically trigger resync to bring the OutOfSync relationships back InSync as soon as it can, unless the relationship isQuiesced
. Once a relationship is initialized, you normally use the snapmirror quiesce command to stop synchronous replication and the snapmirror resume command to resume synchronous replication. These policy types do not support replication of user Snapshot copies. [-comment <text>]
- Comment-
Specifies a text comment for the SnapMirror policy. If the comment contains spaces, it must be enclosed within quotes.
[-tries <unsigned32_or_unlimited>]
- Tries Limit-
Determines the maximum number of times to attempt each manual or scheduled transfer for a SnapMirror relationship. The value of this parameter must be a positive integer or
. The default value is8
. [-transfer-priority {low|normal}]
- Transfer Scheduling Priority-
Specifies the priority at which a transfer runs. The supported values are
. Thenormal
transfers are scheduled before thelow
priority transfers. The default isnormal
. [-ignore-atime {true|false}]
- Ignore File Access Time-
This parameter applies only to extended data protection (XDP) relationships. It specifies whether incremental transfers will ignore files which have only their access time changed. The supported values are
. The default isfalse
. [-restart {always|never|default}]
- Restart Behavior-
This parameter applies only to data protection relationships. It defines the behavior of SnapMirror if an interrupted transfer exists. The supported values are
, ordefault
. If the value is set toalways
, an interrupted SnapMirror transfer always restarts provided it has a restart checkpoint and the conditions are the same as they were before the transfer was interrupted. In addition, a new SnapMirror Snapshot copy is created which will then be transferred. If the value is set tonever
, an interrupted SnapMirror transfer will never restart, even if a restart checkpoint exists. A new SnapMirror Snapshot copy will still be created and transferred. Data ONTAP version 8.2 will interpret a value ofdefault
as being the same asalways
. Vault transfers will always resume based on a restart checkpoint, provided the Snapshot copy still exists on the source volume. [-is-network-compression-enabled {true|false}]
- Is Network Compression Enabled-
Specifies whether network compression is enabled for transfers. The supported values are
. The default isfalse
. [-always-replicate-snapshots {true|false}]
- This prioritizes replication of app-consistent snapshots over synchronous replication-
If this parameter is set to true, it specifies that SnapMirror Synchronous relationships will lose the zero RPO protection upon failure in replicating application created snapshots. The default value is false.
[-common-snapshot-schedule <text>]
- Common Snapshot Copy Creation Schedule for SnapMirror Synchronous (privilege: advanced)-
Specifies the common Snapshot creating schedule. This parameter is only supported for SnapMirror Synchronous relationships.
[-are-data-ops-sequentially-split {true|false}]
- Is Sequential Splitting of Data Operations Enabled?-
This parameter specifies whether I/O, such as write, copy-offload and punch-holes, are split sequentially, rather than being run in parallel on the source and destination. Spliiting I/O sequentially will make the system more robust, and less prone to I/O errors. However, it will also make I/O performance slower. The default value for the parameter
. The parameter-are-data-ops-sequentially-split
should only be used if too frequent I/O timeout or OutOfSync has happened. The parameter-are-data-ops-sequentially-split
requires an effective cluster version of Data ONTAP 9.6.0 or later on both the source and destination clusters. [-discard-configs <network>,…]
- Configurations Not Replicated During Identity Preserve Vserver DR-
Specifies the configuration to be dropped during replication. The supported values are:
- Drops network interfaces, routes, and kerberos configuration.
This parameter is supported only for policies of type
and applicable only for identity-preserve Vserver SnapMirror relationships. -
The following example creates a SnapMirror policy named TieredBackup
on a Vserver named
.> snapmirror policy create -vserver -policy TieredBackup -type vault -tries 10 -restart never