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vserver object-store-server bucket show

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Display object store server buckets

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver object-store-server bucket show command displays information about the object store server bucket.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only about the object store server buckets for the specified Vserver

[-bucket <TextNoCase>] - Object Store Server Bucket Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified bucket.

[-uuid <UUID>] - Object Store Server Bucket UUID

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified bucket uuid.

[-comment <text>] - Object Store Server Bucket Description

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified comment.

[-volume <volume name>] - Hosting FlexGroup Volume Name

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified volume.

[-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Size of the Bucket

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified size.

[-logical-used {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}] - Object Store Server Bucket Logical Used Size

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified logical used size.

[-object-count <integer>] - Object Store Server Object Count

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified object-count.

[-encryption {true|false}] - Is Encryption Enabled on Bucket

If you specify this parameter, the command displays information only for object store server buckets that match the specified encryption field.


The following example displays information of all object store servers buckets:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket show
Vserver     Bucket          Volume            Size       Encryption
----------- --------------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
vs1         testbucket1     fg_oss_1563344831 10GB       false
 Comment: test1
vs2         testbucket2     fg_oss_1563518684 1GB        false
 Comment: test2
2 entries were displayed.

The following example displays information of the object store server bucket associated with Vserver vs1:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket show -vserver vs1
Vserver     Bucket          Volume            Size       Encryption
----------- --------------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
vs1         testbucket      fg_oss_1563344831 10GB       false
 Comment: test1

The following example displays detailed information of the object store server bucket associated with Vserver vs1:

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket show -vserver vs1 -instance
Vserver: vs1
Bucket            :testbucket
  Uuid              :ef6c93db-a85b-11e9-b6dd-0050568e56f5
  Volume            :fg_oss_1563344831
  Size              :10GB
  Logical Used Size :7GB
  Object Count      :13
  Encryption        :false
  Comment           :test1