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Object ingest transactions

Contributors netapp-madkat ssantho3 netapp-lhalbert

You can identify client ingest transactions in the audit log by locating API-specific (S3 or Swift) audit messages.

Not all audit messages generated during an ingest transaction are listed in the following tables. Only the messages required to trace the ingest transaction are included.

S3 ingest audit messages

Code Name Description Trace See


S3 PUT transaction

An S3 PUT ingest transaction has completed successfully.



Object Rules Met

The ILM policy has been satisfied for this object.


Swift ingest audit messages

Code Name Description Trace See


Swift PUT transaction

A Swift PUT ingest transaction has successfully completed.



Object Rules Met

The ILM policy has been satisfied for this object.


Example: S3 object ingest

The series of audit messages below is an example of the audit messages generated and saved to the audit log when an S3 client ingests an object to a Storage Node (LDR service).

In this example, the active ILM policy includes the Make 2 Copies ILM rule.

Note Not all audit messages generated during a transaction are listed in the example below. Only those related to the S3 ingest transaction (SPUT) are listed.

This example assumes that an S3 bucket has been previously created.


The SPUT message is generated to indicate that an S3 PUT transaction has been issued to create an object in a specific bucket.


ORLM: Object Rules Met

The ORLM message indicates that the ILM policy has been satisfied for this object. The message includes the object's CBID and the name of the ILM rule that was applied.

For replicated objects, the LOCS field includes the LDR node ID and volume ID of the object locations.

2019-07-17T21:18:31.230669[AUDT:[CBID\(UI64\):0x50C4F7AC2BC8EDF7][RULE(CSTR):"Make 2 Copies"][STAT(FC32):DONE][CSIZ(UI64):0][UUID(CSTR):"0B344E18-98ED-4F22-A6C8-A93ED68F8D3F"][LOCS(CSTR):"CLDI 12828634 2148730112, CLDI 12745543 2147552014"][RSLT(FC32):SUCS][AVER(UI32):10][ATYP\(FC32\):ORLM][ATIM(UI64):1563398230669][ATID(UI64):15494889725796157557][ANID(UI32):13100453][AMID(FC32):BCMS]]

For erasure-coded objects, the LOCS field includes the erasure coding profile ID and the erasure coding group ID

2019-02-23T01:52:54.647537 [AUDT:[CBID(UI64):0xFA8ABE5B5001F7E2][RULE(CSTR):"EC_2_plus_1"][STAT(FC32):DONE][CSIZ(UI64):10000][UUID(CSTR):"E291E456-D11A-4701-8F51-D2F7CC9AFECA"][LOCS(CSTR):"CLEC 1 A471E45D-A400-47C7-86AC-12E77F229831"][RSLT(FC32):SUCS][AVER(UI32):10][ATIM(UI64):1550929974537]\[ATYP\(FC32\):ORLM\][ANID(UI32):12355278][AMID(FC32):ILMX][ATID(UI64):4168559046473725560]]

The PATH field includes S3 bucket and key information or Swift container and object information, depending on which API was used.

2019-09-15.txt:2018-01-24T13:52:54.131559 [AUDT:[CBID(UI64):0x82704DFA4C9674F4][RULE(CSTR):"Make 2 Copies"][STAT(FC32):DONE][CSIZ(UI64):3145729][UUID(CSTR):"8C1C9CAC-22BB-4880-9115-CE604F8CE687"][PATH(CSTR):"frisbee_Bucket1/GridDataTests151683676324774_1_1vf9d"][LOCS(CSTR):"CLDI 12525468, CLDI 12222978"][RSLT(FC32):SUCS][AVER(UI32):10][ATIM(UI64):1568555574559][ATYP(FC32):ORLM][ANID(UI32):12525468][AMID(FC32):OBDI][ATID(UI64):344833886538369336]]