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Monitor repair-data jobs

Contributors netapp-lhalbert

You can monitor the status of repair jobs by using the repair-data script from the command line.

These include jobs that you initiated manually, or jobs that StorageGRID initiated automatically as part of a decommission procedure.

Note If you are running volume restoration jobs, monitor the progress and view a history of those jobs in the Grid Manager instead.

Monitor the status of repair-data jobs based on whether you use replicated data, erasure-coded (EC) data, or both.

Replicated data
  • To get an estimated percent completion for the replicated repair, add the show-replicated-repair-status option to the repair-data command.

    repair-data show-replicated-repair-status

  • To determine if repairs are complete:

    1. Select NODES > Storage Node being repaired > ILM.

    2. Review the attributes in the Evaluation section. When repairs are complete, the Awaiting - All attribute indicates 0 objects.

  • To monitor the repair in more detail:

    1. Select SUPPORT > Tools > Grid topology.

    2. Select grid > Storage Node being repaired > LDR > Data Store.

    3. Use a combination of the following attributes to determine, as well as possible, if replicated repairs are complete.

      Note Cassandra inconsistencies might be present, and failed repairs aren't tracked.
      • Repairs Attempted (XRPA): Use this attribute to track the progress of replicated repairs. This attribute increases each time a Storage Node tries to repair a high-risk object. When this attribute does not increase for a period longer than the current scan period (provided by the Scan Period — Estimated attribute), it means that ILM scanning found no high-risk objects that need to be repaired on any nodes.

        Note High-risk objects are objects that are at risk of being completely lost. This does not include objects that don't satisfy their ILM configuration.
      • Scan Period — Estimated (XSCM): Use this attribute to estimate when a policy change will be applied to previously ingested objects. If the Repairs Attempted attribute does not increase for a period longer than the current scan period, it is probable that replicated repairs are done. Note that the scan period can change. The Scan Period — Estimated (XSCM) attribute applies to the entire grid and is the maximum of all node scan periods. You can query the Scan Period — Estimated attribute history for the grid to determine an appropriate time frame.

Erasure coded (EC) data

To monitor the repair of erasure-coded data and retry any requests that might have failed:

  1. Determine the status of erasure-coded data repairs:

    • Select SUPPORT > Tools > Metrics to view the estimated time to completion and the completion percentage for the current job. Then, select EC Overview in the Grafana section. Look at the Grid EC Job Estimated Time to Completion and Grid EC Job Percentage Completed dashboards.

    • Use this command to see the status of a specific repair-data operation:

      repair-data show-ec-repair-status --repair-id repair ID

    • Use this command to list all repairs:

      repair-data show-ec-repair-status

      The output lists information, including repair ID, for all previously and currently running repairs.

  2. If the output shows that the repair operation failed, use the --repair-id option to retry the repair.

    This command retries a failed node repair, using the repair ID 6949309319275667690:

    repair-data start-ec-node-repair --repair-id 6949309319275667690

    This command retries a failed volume repair, using the repair ID 6949309319275667690:

    repair-data start-ec-volume-repair --repair-id 6949309319275667690