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SnapMirror 删除操作在接管状态下失败

问题描述 :

如果在集群上安装了ONTAP 9.9.1、则执行 snapmirror delete 如果SnapMirror活动同步一致性组关系处于接管状态、则命令将失败。

C2_cluster::> snapmirror delete  vs1:/cg/dd

Error: command failed: RPC: Couldn't make connection

如果SnapMirror活动同步关系中的节点处于接管状态、请在将"-force "选项设置为true的情况下执行SnapMirror删除和释放操作。

C2_cluster::> snapmirror delete  vs1:/cg/dd -force true

Warning: The relationship between source "vs0:/cg/ss" and destination
         "vs1:/cg/dd" will be deleted, however the items of the destination
         Consistency Group might not be made writable, deletable, or modifiable
         after the operation. Manual recovery might be required.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Operation succeeded: snapmirror delete for the relationship with destination "vs1:/cg/dd".