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在获取有关 CIFS , SMB ,审核和 BranchCache 哈希统计信息以及监控性能的信息之前,您必须了解哪些对象和计数器可用于获取数据。

  1. 将权限级别设置为高级:

    set -privilege advanced

  2. 执行以下操作之一:

    要确定的内容 输入 …​


    statistics catalog object show


    statistics catalog object show object object_name


    statistics catalog counter show object object_name

    有关的详细信息 statistics catalog,请参见"ONTAP 命令参考"

  3. 返回到管理权限级别:

    set -privilege admin


以下命令显示与集群中的 CIFS 和 SMB 访问相关的选定统计信息对象的说明,如高级权限级别所示:

cluster1::> set -privilege advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by support personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object audit
    audit_ng                    CM object for exporting audit_ng performance counters

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object cifs
    cifs                        The CIFS object reports activity of the
                                Common Internet File System protocol

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object nblade_cifs
    nblade_cifs                 The Common Internet File System (CIFS)
                                protocol is an implementation of the Server

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object smb1
    smb1                        These counters report activity from the SMB
                                revision of the protocol. For information

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object smb2
    smb2                        These counters report activity from the
                                SMB2/SMB3 revision of the protocol. For

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object hashd
    hashd                       The hashd object provides counters to measure
                                the performance of the BranchCache hash daemon.
cluster1::*> set -privilege admin

以下命令显示有关的某些计数器的信息 cifs 对象、如高级权限级别所示:


此示例不会显示的所有可用计数器 cifs 对象;输出被截断。

cluster1::> set -privilege advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by support personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

cluster1::*> statistics catalog counter show -object cifs

Object: cifs
    Counter                     Description
    --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
    active_searches             Number of active searches over SMB and SMB2
    auth_reject_too_many        Authentication refused after too many
                                requests were made in rapid succession
    avg_directory_depth         Average number of directories crossed by SMB
                                and SMB2 path-based commands
    ...                         ...

cluster2::> statistics start -object client -sample-id
Object: client
    Counter                                                     Value
    -------------------------------- --------------------------------
    cifs_ops                                                        0
    cifs_read_ops                                                   0
    cifs_read_recv_ops                                              0
    cifs_read_recv_size                                            0B
    cifs_read_size                                                 0B
    cifs_write_ops                                                  0
    cifs_write_recv_ops                                             0
    cifs_write_recv_size                                           0B
    cifs_write_size                                                0B
    instance_name                             vserver_1:
    instance_uuid                                     2:
    local_ops                                                       0
    mount_ops                                                       0
