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Determine which statistics objects and counters are available in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-aherbin

Before you can obtain information about CIFS, SMB, auditing, and BranchCache hash statistics and monitor performance, you must know which objects and counters are available from which you can obtain data.

  1. Set the privilege level to advanced:

    set -privilege advanced

  2. Perform one of the following actions:

    If you want to determine…​ Enter…​

    Which objects are available

    statistics catalog object show

    Specific objects that are available

    statistics catalog object show object object_name

    Which counters are available

    statistics catalog counter show object object_name

    Learn more about statistics catalog in the ONTAP command reference.

  3. Return to the admin privilege level:

    set -privilege admin


The following command displays descriptions of selected statistic objects related to CIFS and SMB access in the cluster as seen at the advanced privilege level:

cluster1::> set -privilege advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by support personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object audit
    audit_ng                    CM object for exporting audit_ng performance counters

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object cifs
    cifs                        The CIFS object reports activity of the
                                Common Internet File System protocol

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object nblade_cifs
    nblade_cifs                 The Common Internet File System (CIFS)
                                protocol is an implementation of the Server

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object smb1
    smb1                        These counters report activity from the SMB
                                revision of the protocol. For information

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object smb2
    smb2                        These counters report activity from the
                                SMB2/SMB3 revision of the protocol. For

cluster1::*> statistics catalog object show -object hashd
    hashd                       The hashd object provides counters to measure
                                the performance of the BranchCache hash daemon.
cluster1::*> set -privilege admin

The following command displays information about some of the counters for the cifs object as seen at the advanced privilege level:


This example does not display all of the available counters for the cifs object; output is truncated.

cluster1::> set -privilege advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by support personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

cluster1::*> statistics catalog counter show -object cifs

Object: cifs
    Counter                     Description
    --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
    active_searches             Number of active searches over SMB and SMB2
    auth_reject_too_many        Authentication refused after too many
                                requests were made in rapid succession
    avg_directory_depth         Average number of directories crossed by SMB
                                and SMB2 path-based commands
    ...                         ...

cluster2::> statistics start -object client -sample-id
Object: client
    Counter                                                     Value
    -------------------------------- --------------------------------
    cifs_ops                                                        0
    cifs_read_ops                                                   0
    cifs_read_recv_ops                                              0
    cifs_read_recv_size                                            0B
    cifs_read_size                                                 0B
    cifs_write_ops                                                  0
    cifs_write_recv_ops                                             0
    cifs_write_recv_size                                           0B
    cifs_write_size                                                0B
    instance_name                             vserver_1:
    instance_uuid                                     2:
    local_ops                                                       0
    mount_ops                                                       0
