Modify the role assigned to an administrator
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You can use the security login modify
command to change the role of a cluster or SVM administrator account. You can assign a predefined or custom role.
Before you begin
You must be a cluster administrator to perform this task.
Change the role of a cluster or SVM administrator:
security login modify -vserver SVM_name -user-or-group-name user_or_group_name -application application -authmethod authentication_method -role role -comment comment
For complete command syntax, see the worksheet.
The following command changes the role of the AD cluster administrator account
to the predefinedreadonly
role.cluster1::>security login modify -vserver engCluster -user-or-group-name DOMAIN1\guest1 -application ssh -authmethod domain -role readonly
The following command changes the role of the SVM administrator accounts in the AD group account
to the customvol_role
role.cluster1::>security login modify -vserver engData -user-or-group-name DOMAIN1\adgroup -application ssh -authmethod domain -role vol_role