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Set up certificate-based API access

Contributors netapp-dbagwell

Instead of user ID and password authentication for REST API or NetApp Manageability SDK API access to ONTAP, certificate-based authentication must be used.

Note As an alternative to certificate-based authentication for REST API, use OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication.)

You can generate and install a self-signed certificate on ONTAP as described in these steps.

  1. Using OpenSSL, generate a certificate by running the following command:

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1095 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout test.key -out test.pem \> -subj "/C=US/ST=NC/L=RTP/O=NetApp/CN=cert_user"
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'test.key'

    This command generates a public certificate named test.pem and a private key named key.out. The common name, CN, corresponds to the ONTAP user ID.

  2. Install the contents of the public certificate in privacy enhanced mail (pem) format in ONTAP by running the following command and pasting the certificate's contents when prompted:

    security certificate install -type client-ca -vserver cluster1
    Please enter Certificate: Press <Enter> when done
  3. Enable ONTAP to allow client access through SSL and define the user ID for API access.

    security ssl modify -vserver cluster1 -client-enabled true
    security login create -user-or-group-name cert_user -application ontapi -authmethod cert -role admin -vserver cluster1

    In the following example, the user ID cert_user is now enabled to use certificate-authenticated API access. A simple Manageability SDK Python script using cert_user to display the ONTAP version appears as follows:

    import sys
    from NaServer import *
    cluster = "cluster1"
    transport = "HTTPS"
    port = 443
    style = "CERTIFICATE"
    cert = "test.pem"
    key = "test.key"
    s = NaServer(cluster, 1, 30)
    s.set_client_cert_and_key(cert, key)
    api = NaElement("system-get-version")
    output = s.invoke_elem(api)
    if (output.results_status() == "failed"):
        r = output.results_reason()
        print("Failed: " + str(r))
    ontap_version = output.child_get_string("version")
    print ("V: " + ontap_version)

    The output of the script displays the ONTAP version.

    V: NetApp Release 9.5RC1: Sat Nov 10 05:13:42 UTC 2018
  4. To perform certificate-based authentication with the ONTAP REST API, complete the following steps:

    1. In ONTAP, define the user ID for http access:

      security login create -user-or-group-name cert_user -application http -authmethod cert -role admin -vserver cluster1
    2. On your Linux client, run the following command that produces the ONTAP version as output:

      curl -k --cert-type PEM --cert ./test.pem --key-type PEM --key ./test.key -X GET "https://cluster1/api/cluster?fields=version"
          "version": {
              "full": "NetApp Release 9.7P1: Thu Feb 27 01:25:24 UTC 2020",
              "generation": 9,
              "major": 7,
              "minor": 0
          "_links": {
              "self": {
                  "href": "/api/cluster"