Convert 40GbE NIC ports into multiple 10GbE ports for 10GbE connectivity
You can convert the X1144A-R6 and the X91440A-R6 40GbE Network Interface Cards (NICs) to support four 10GbE ports.
If you are connecting a hardware platform that supports one of these NICs to a cluster that supports 10GbE cluster interconnect and customer data connections, the NIC must be converted to provide the necessary 10GbE connections.
You must be using a supported breakout cable.
For a complete list of platforms that support NICs, see the Hardware Universe.
On the X1144A-R6 NIC, only port A can be converted to support the four 10GbE connections. Once port A is converted, port e is not available for use. |
Enter maintenance mode.
Convert the NIC from 40GbE support to 10GbE support.
nicadmin convert –m [40G | 10G] [port-name]
After using the convert command, halt the node.
Install or change the cable.
Depending on the hardware model, use the SP (Service Processor) or BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) to power-cycle the node for the conversion to take effect.