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Automatic giveback commands

Contributors netapp-aherbin netapp-jsnyder netapp-ahibbard netapp-aaron-holt netapp-thomi

By default, the take-over partner node automatically gives back storage when the off-line node is brought back on line, thus restoring the high-availability pair relationship. In most cases, this is the desired behavior. If you need to disable automatic giveback - for example, if you want to investigate the cause of the takeover before giving back – you need to be aware of the interaction of non-default settings.

If you want to…​

Use this command…​

Enable automatic giveback so that giveback occurs as soon as the taken-over node boots, reaches the Waiting for Giveback state, and the Delay before Auto Giveback period has expired.

The default setting is true.

storage failover modify ‑node nodename ‑auto‑giveback true

Disable automatic giveback. The default setting is true.

Note: Setting this parameter to false does not disable automatic giveback after takeover on panic; automatic giveback after takeover on panic must be disabled by setting the ‑auto‑giveback‑after‑panic parameter to false.

storage failover modify ‑node nodename ‑auto‑giveback false

Disable automatic giveback after takeover on panic (this setting is enabled by default).

storage failover modify ‑node nodename ‑auto‑giveback‑after‑panic false

Delay automatic giveback for a specified number of seconds (the default is 600). This option determines the minimum time that a node remains in takeover before performing an automatic giveback.

storage failover modify ‑node nodename ‑delay‑seconds seconds

How variations of the storage failover modify command affect automatic giveback

The operation of automatic giveback depends on how you configure the parameters of the storage failover modify command.

The following table lists the default settings for the storage failover modify command parameters that apply to takeover events not caused by a panic.


Default setting

-auto-giveback true | false


-delay-seconds integer (seconds)


-onreboot true | false


The following table describes how combinations of the -onreboot and -auto-giveback parameters affect automatic giveback for takeover events not caused by a panic.

storage failover modify parameters used

Cause of takeover

Does automatic giveback occur?

-onreboot true

-auto-giveback true

reboot command


halt command, or power cycle operation issued from the Service Processor


-onreboot true

-auto-giveback false

reboot command


halt command, or power cycle operation issued from the Service Processor


-onreboot false

-auto-giveback true

reboot command

In this case, takeover does not occur

halt command, or power cycle operation issued from the Service Processor


-onreboot false

-auto-giveback false

reboot command


halt command, or power cycle operation issued from the Service Processor


The -auto-giveback parameter controls giveback after panic and all other automatic takovers. If the -onreboot parameter is set to true and a takeover occurs due to a reboot, then automatic giveback is always performed, regardless of whether the -auto-giveback parameter is set to true.

The -onreboot parameter applies to reboots and halt commands issued from ONTAP. When the -onreboot parameter is set to false, a takeover does not occur in the case of a node reboot. Therefore, automatic giveback cannot occur, regardless of whether the -auto-giveback parameter is set to true. A client disruption occurs.

The effects of automatic giveback parameter combinations that apply to panic situations.

The following table lists the storage failover modify command parameters that apply to panic situations:


Default setting

-onpanic true | false


-auto-giveback-after-panic true | false

(Privilege: Advanced)


-auto-giveback true | false


The following table describes how parameter combinations of the storage failover modify command affect automatic giveback in panic situations.

storage failover parameters used

Does automatic giveback occur after panic?

-onpanic true
-auto-giveback true
-auto-giveback-after-panic true


-onpanic true
-auto-giveback true
-auto-giveback-after-panic false


-onpanic true
-auto-giveback false
-auto-giveback-after-panic true


-onpanic true
-auto-giveback false
-auto-giveback-after-panic false


-onpanic false
If -onpanic is set to false, takeover/giveback does not occur, regardless of the value set for -auto-giveback or -auto-giveback-after-panic


Note A takeover can result from a failure not associated with a panic. A failure is experienced when communication is lost between a node and its partner, also called a heartbeat loss. If a takeover occurs because of a failure, giveback is controlled by the -onfailure parameter instead of the -auto-giveback-after-panic parameter.
Note When a node panics, it sends a panic packet to its partner node. If for any reason the panic packet is not received by the partner node, the panic can be misinterpreted as a failure. Without receipt of the panic packet, the partner node knows only that communication has been lost, and does not know that a panic has occurred. In this case, the partner node processes the loss of communication as a failure instead of a panic, and giveback is controlled by the -onfailure parameter (and not by the -auto-giveback-after-panic parameter).

Learn more about storage failover modify in the ONTAP command reference.