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Create a volume on a FabricPool-enabled ONTAP local tier

Contributors netapp-aherbin netapp-lenida netapp-dbagwell netapp-thomi

You can add volumes to FabricPool by creating new volumes directly in the FabricPool-enabled local tier or by moving existing volumes from another local tier to the FabricPool-enabled local tier.

Note Prior to ONTAP 9.7, System Manager uses the term aggregate to describe a local tier. Regardless of your ONTAP version, the ONTAP CLI uses the term aggregate. To learn more about local tiers, see Disks and local tiers.

When you create a volume for FabricPool, you have the option to specify a tiering policy. If no tiering policy is specified, the created volume uses the default snapshot-only tiering policy. For a volume with the snapshot-only or auto tiering policy, you can also specify the tiering minimum cooling period.

Before you begin
  • Setting a volume to use the auto tiering policy or specifying the tiering minimum cooling period requires ONTAP 9.4 or later.

  • Using FlexGroup volumes requires ONTAP 9.5 or later.

  • Setting a volume to use the all tiering policy requires ONTAP 9.6 or later.

  • Setting a volume to use the -cloud-retrieval-policy parameter requires ONTAP 9.8 or later.

  1. Create a new volume for FabricPool by using the volume create command.

    • The -tiering-policy optional parameter enables you to specify the tiering policy for the volume.

      You can specify one of the following tiering policies:

    • The -cloud-retrieval-policy optional parameter enables cluster administrators with the advanced privilege level to override the default cloud migration or retrieval behavior controlled by the tiering policy.

      You can specify one of the following cloud retrieval policies:

      • default

        The tiering policy determines what data is pulled back, so there is no change to cloud data retrieval with default cloud-retrieval-policy. This means the behavior is the same as in pre-ONTAP 9.8 releases:

        • If the tiering policy is none or snapshot-only, then “default” means that any client-driven data read is pulled from the cloud tier to performance tier.

        • If the tiering policy is auto, then any client-driven random read is pulled but not sequential reads.

        • If the tiering policy is all then no client-driven data is pulled from the cloud tier.

      • on-read

        All client-driven data reads are pulled from the cloud tier to performance tier.

      • never

        No client-driven data is pulled from the cloud tier to performance tier

      • promote

        • For tiering policy none, all cloud data is pulled from the cloud tier to the performance tier

        • For tiering policy snapshot-only, all active filesystem data is pulled from the cloud tier to the performance tier.

    • The -tiering-minimum-cooling-days optional parameter in the advanced privilege level enables you to specify the tiering minimum cooling period for a volume that uses the snapshot-only or auto tiering policy.

      Beginning with ONTAP 9.8, you can specify a value between 2 and 183 for the tiering minimum cooling days. If you are using a version of ONTAP earlier than 9.8, you can specify a value between 2 and 63 for the tiering minimum cooling days.

Example of creating a volume for FabricPool

The following example creates a volume called “myvol1” in the “myFabricPool” FabricPool-enabled local tier. The tiering policy is set to auto and the tiering minimum cooling period is set to 45 days:

cluster1::*> volume create -vserver myVS -aggregate myFabricPool
-volume myvol1 -tiering-policy auto -tiering-minimum-cooling-days 45
Related information

FlexGroup volumes management