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Enable ONTAP Autonomous Ransomware Protection by default in new volumes

Contributors netapp-dbagwell netapp-ahibbard netapp-aaron-holt netapp-aherbin

Beginning with ONTAP 9.10.1, you can configure storage VMs (SVMs) so that new volumes are enabled by default with Autonomous Ransomware Protection (ARP). You can modify this setting using System Manager or with the CLI.

If you want to configure only individual new or existing volumes without making ARP the default, see this related ARP procedure.

About this task

By default, new volumes are created with ARP in disabled mode. ARP will only be enabled by default on new volumes created in the SVM after you have enabled ARP for NAS volumes functionality.

ARP will not be automatically enabled on existing volumes. Setting changes described in this procedure only affect new volumes. Learn how to enable ARP for existing volumes.

  • For ONTAP 9.10.1 to 9.15.1 and ARP with FlexGroup volumes
    By default, new volumes enabled with ARP enabled are set to learning mode (or "dry-run") mode in which the system analyzes the workload to characterize normal behavior. Learning mode can be transitioned to active mode manually (all ARP versions) or automatically (beginning in ARP 9.13.1). With ARP 9.13.1 and later, adaptive learning has been added to ARP analytics so that the switch from learning mode to active mode is done automatically.

  • For ONTAP 9.16.1 and later with FlexVol volumes
    When you enable ARP, ARP/AI protection is enabled and active immediately. No learning period is required.

Before you begin
  • The correct license must be installed for your ONTAP version.

  • The volume must be less than 100% full.

  • Junction paths must be active.

  • Beginning with ONTAP 9.13.1, it's recommended you enable multi-admin verification (MAV) so that two or more authenticated user admins are required for anti-ransomware operations. Learn more.


You can use System Manager or the ONTAP CLI to enable ARP by default on new volumes.

  1. Select Storage > Storage VMs then select the storage VM that contains volumes you want to protect with ARP.

  2. Navigate to the Settings tab. Under Security, locate the Anti-ransomware tile then select Edit icon.

  3. Check the box to enable ARP for NAS volumes. Check the additional box to enable ARP on all eligible NAS volumes in the storage VM.

    Note For ONTAP 9.16.1, these actions enable ARP/AI protection as the default for new FlexVol volumes and no learning period is required.
  4. If you have upgraded to ARP 9.13.1 or later, optionally select Switch automatically from learning to active mode after sufficient learning. This allows ARP to determine the optimal learning period interval and automate the switch to active mode.