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Verify licensing for S3 SnapMirror configurations

Contributors netapp-dbagwell netapp-lenida

Before you upgrade ONTAP, if you are using S3 SnapMirror, and you are upgrading to ONTAP 9.12.1 or later, you should verify that you have the proper SnapMirror licenses.

After upgrading ONTAP, licensing changes that occurred between ONTAP 9.11.1 and earlier and ONTAP 9.12.1 and later might cause S3 SnapMirror relationships to fail.

ONTAP 9.11.1 and earlier

  • When replicating to a NetApp-hosted destination bucket (ONTAP S3 or StorageGRID), S3 SnapMirror checks for the SnapMirror Synchronous license, included in the Data Protection Bundle prior to the introduction of the ONTAP One software suite.

  • When replicating to a non-NetApp destination bucket, S3 SnapMirror checks for the SnapMirror Cloud license, included in the Hybrid Cloud Bundle which was available prior to the introduction of the ONTAP One software suite.

ONTAP 9.12.1 and later

  • When replicating to a NetApp-hosted destination bucket (ONTAP S3 or StorageGRID), S3 SnapMirror checks for the S3 SnapMirror license, included in the Data Protection bundle which was available prior to the introduction of the ONTAP One software suite.

  • When replicating to a non-NetApp destination bucket, S3 SnapMirror checks for the S3 SnapMirror External license, included in the Hybrid Cloud Bundle which was available prior to the introduction of ONTAP One software suite and the ONTAP One Compatibility bundle.

Existing S3 SnapMirror relationships

Existing S3 SnapMirror relationships should continue to work after an upgrade from ONTAP 9.11.1 or earlier to ONTAP 9.12.1 or later, even if the cluster does not have the new licensing.

Creation of new S3 SnapMirror relationships will fail if the cluster does not have the proper license installed.