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Modify caching policies of Flash Pool local tiers in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-thomi netapp-lenida netapp-dbagwell netapp-aherbin

You should modify the caching policy of a volume only if a different caching policy is expected to provide better performance. You can modify the caching policy of a volume on a Flash Pool local tier.

Before you begin

You must determine whether you want to modify your caching policy.

About this task

In most cases, the default caching policy of auto is the best caching policy that you can use. The caching policy should be changed only if a different policy provides better performance for your workload. Configuring the wrong caching policy can severely degrade volume performance; the performance degradation could increase gradually over time. You should use caution when modifying caching policies. If you experience performance issues with a volume for which the caching policy has been changed, you should return the caching policy to auto.

  1. Use the CLI to modify the volume's caching policy:

    volume modify -volume volume_name -caching-policy policy_name


The following example modifies the caching policy of a volume named vol2 to the policy none:

volume modify -volume vol2 -caching-policy none