Commands for managing SMB servers
You need to know the commands for creating, displaying, modifying, stopping, starting, and deleting SMB servers. There are also commands to reset and rediscover servers, change or reset machine account passwords, schedule changes for machine account passwords, and add or remove NetBIOS aliases.
If you want to… |
Use this command… |
Create an SMB server |
Display information about an SMB server |
Modify an SMB server |
Move an SMB server to another domain |
Stop an SMB server |
Start an SMB server |
Delete an SMB server |
Reset and rediscover servers for the SMB server |
Change the SMB server's machine account password |
Reset the SMB server's machine account password |
Schedule automatic password changes for the SMB server's machine account |
Add NetBIOS aliases for the SMB server |
Remove NetBIOS aliases for the SMB server |
See the man page for each command for more information.
What happens to local users and groups when deleting SMB servers