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Enable and disable NFS and SMB client access to Snapshot copy directory

Contributors netapp-lenida netapp-aherbin

You can enable and disable access to the Snapshot copy directory using the ONTAP CLI -snapdir-access option of the volume modify command, and beginning with ONTAP 9.10.1, you can use System Manager to enable or disable client systems to access to a Snapshot copy directory on a volume. Enabling access makes the Snapshot copy directory visible to clients and allows Windows clients to map a drive to the Snapshot copy directory to view and access its contents. NFS and SMB clients can then restore a file or LUN from a snapshot.

You can enable or disable access to a volume’s Snapshot copy directory by editing the volume settings or by editing the volume’s share settings.

Enable or disable client access to Snapshot copy directory by editing a volume


You can enable and disable client Snapshot copy directory access by using ONTAP System Manager or the ONTAP CLI. The Snapshot copy directory on a volume is accessible to clients by default.

System Manager
  1. Click Storage > Volumes.

  2. Select the volume containing the Snapshot copies directory you want to either show or hide.

  3. Click Menu options icon and select Edit.

  4. In the Snapshot Copies (Local) Settings section, select or deselect Show the Snapshot copies directory to clients.

  5. Click Save.

  1. Check the Snapshot directory access status:

    volume show -vserver <SVM_name> -volume <vol_name> -fields snapdir-access


    clus1::> volume show -vserver vs0 -volume vol1 -fields snapdir-access
    vserver volume snapdir-access
    ------- ------ --------------
    vs0     vol1   false
  2. Enable or disable the Snapshot copy directory access:

    volume modify -vserver <SVM_name> -volume <vol_name> -snapdir-access <true|false>

    The following example enables Snapshot copy directory access on vol1:

    clus1::> volume modify -vserver vs0 -volume vol1 -snapdir-access true
    Volume modify successful on volume vol1 of Vserver vs0.

Enable or disable client access to Snapshot copy directory by editing a share

The Snapshot copy directory on a volume is accessible to clients by default.

  1. Click Storage > Shares.

  2. Select the volume containing the Snapshot copies directory you want to either show or hide.

  3. Click Menu options icon and select Edit.

  4. In the Share Properties section, select or deselect Allow clients to access Snapshot copies directory.

  5. Click Save.