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Commands for managing local tiers in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-thomi netapp-lenida netapp-dbagwell netapp-ahibbard netapp-aherbin

You use the storage aggregate command to manage your local tiers.

Note Prior to ONTAP 9.7, System Manager uses the term aggregate to describe a local tier. Regardless of your ONTAP version, the ONTAP CLI uses the term aggregate. To learn more about local tiers, see Disks and local tiers.
If you want to…​ Use this command…​

Display the size of the cache for all Flash Pool local tiers

storage aggregate show -fields hybrid-cache-size-total -hybrid-cache-size-total >0

Display disk information and status for an local tier

storage aggregate show-status

Display spare disks by node

storage aggregate show-spare-disks

Display the root local tiers in the cluster

storage aggregate show -has-mroot true

Display basic information and status for local tiers

storage aggregate show

Display the type of storage used in an local tiers

storage aggregate show -fields storage-type

Bring an local tier online

storage aggregate online

Delete an local tier

storage aggregate delete

Put an local tier into the restricted state

storage aggregate restrict

Rename an local tier

storage aggregate rename

Take an local tier offline

storage aggregate offline

Change the RAID type for a local tier

storage aggregate modify -raidtype

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