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Disable NVMe in-band authentication before reverting from ONTAP 9.12.1

Contributors netapp-aherbin

If you are running the NVME protocol, you must disable in-band authentication before you revert your cluster from ONTAP 9.12.1. If in-band authentication using DH-HMAC-CHAP is not disabled, revert will fail.

  1. Remove the host from the subsystem to disable DH-HMAC-CHAP authentication:

    vserver nvme subsystem host remove -vserver <svm_name> -subsystem <subsystem> -host-nqn <host_nqn>
  2. Verify that the DH-HMAC-CHAP authentication protocol is removed from the host:

    vserver nvme subsystem host show
  3. Add the host back to the subsystem without authentication:

    vserver nvme subsystem host add vserver <svm_name> -subsystem <subsystem> -host-nqn <host_nqn>