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Create an SVM

Contributors netapp-ahibbard netapp-aherbin

If you do not already have at least one SVM in a cluster to provide data access to NFS clients, you must create one.

Before you begin
  • Beginning with ONTAP 9.13.1, you can set a maximum capacity for a storage VM. You can also configure alerts when the SVM approaches a threshold capacity level. For more information, see Manage SVM capacity.

  1. Create an SVM:

    vserver create -vserver vserver_name -rootvolume root_volume_name -aggregate aggregate_name -rootvolume-security-style unix -language C.UTF-8 -ipspace ipspace_name

    • Use the UNIX setting for the -rootvolume-security-style option.

    • Use the default C.UTF-8 -language option.

    • The ipspace setting is optional.

  2. Verify the configuration and status of the newly created SVM:

    vserver show -vserver vserver_name

    The Allowed Protocols field must include NFS. You can edit this list later.

    The Vserver Operational State field must display the running state. If it displays the initializing state, it means that some intermediate operation such as root volume creation failed, and you must delete the SVM and re-create it.


The following command creates an SVM for data access in the IPspace ipspaceA:

cluster1::> vserver create -vserver -rootvolume root_vs1 -aggregate aggr1
-rootvolume-security-style unix -language C.UTF-8 -ipspace ipspaceA

[Job 2059] Job succeeded:
Vserver creation completed

The following command shows that an SVM was created with a root volume of 1 GB, and it was started automatically and is in running state. The root volume has a default export policy that does not include any rules, so the root volume is not exported upon creation.

cluster1::> vserver show -vserver
                               Vserver Type: data
                            Vserver Subtype: default
                               Vserver UUID: b8375669-19b0-11e5-b9d1-00a0983d9736
                                Root Volume: root_vs1
                                  Aggregate: aggr1
                                 NIS Domain: -
                 Root Volume Security Style: unix
                                LDAP Client: -
               Default Volume Language Code: C.UTF-8
                            Snapshot Policy: default
                               Quota Policy: default
                List of Aggregates Assigned: -
 Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed: unlimited
                        Vserver Admin State: running
                  Vserver Operational State: running
   Vserver Operational State Stopped Reason: -
                          Allowed Protocols: nfs, cifs, fcp, iscsi, ndmp
                       Disallowed Protocols: -
                           QoS Policy Group: -
                                Config Lock: false
                               IPspace Name: ipspaceA
Note Beginning with ONTAP 9.13.1, you can set an adaptive QoS policy group template, applying a throughput floor and ceiling limit to volumes in the SVM. You can only apply this policy after you create the SVM. To learn more about this process, see Set an adaptive policy group template.