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Analyze inactive ONTAP data with inactive data reporting

Contributors netapp-lenida netapp-aaron-holt netapp-dbagwell netapp-aherbin

Seeing how much data in a volume is inactive enables you to make good use of storage tiers. Information in inactive data reporting helps you decide which aggregate to use for FabricPool, whether to move a volume in to or out of FabricPool, or whether to modify the tiering policy of a volume.

What you'll need

You must be running ONTAP 9.4 or later to use the inactive data reporting functionality.

About this task
  • Inactive data reporting is not supported on some aggregates.

    You cannot enable inactive data reporting when FabricPool cannot be enabled, including the following instances:

    • Root aggregates

    • MetroCluster aggregates running ONTAP versions earlier than 9.7

    • Flash Pool (hybrid aggregates, or SnapLock aggregates)

  • Inactive data reporting is enabled by default on aggregates where any volumes have adaptive compression enabled.

  • Inactive data reporting is enabled by default on all SSD aggregates in ONTAP 9.6.

  • Inactive data reporting is enabled by default on FabricPool aggregate in ONTAP 9.4 and ONTAP 9.5.

  • You can enable inactive data reporting on non-FabricPool aggregates using the ONTAP CLI, including HDD aggregates, beginning with ONTAP 9.6.


You can determine how much data is inactive with ONTAP System Manager or the ONTAP CLI.

  1. Choose one of the following options:

    • When you have existing HDD aggregates, navigate to Storage > Tiers and click Menu options icon for the aggregate on which you want to enable inactive data reporting.

    • When no cloud tiers are configured, navigate to Dashboard and click the Enable inactive data reporting link under Capacity.