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View volume footprint savings with or without temperature-sensitive storage efficiency

Contributors netapp-aherbin netapp-lenida dmp-netapp

Depending on your ONTAP release, you can view the physical footprint savings on each volume. You might do this to assess the effectiveness of your administrative processes or as part of capacity planning.

About this task

Beginning with ONTAP 9.11.1, you can use the command volume show-footprint to view the physical footprint savings on volumes with temperature-sensitive storage efficiency (TSSE) enabled. Beginning with ONTAP 9.13.1, you can use the same command to view the physical footprint savings on volumes not enabled with TSSE.

  1. View the volume footprint savings:

    volume show-footprint
    Example output with TSSE enabled
          Vserver : vs0
          Volume  : vol_tsse_75_per_compress
          Feature                                         Used       Used%
          --------------------------------             ----------    -----
          Volume Data Footprint                           10.15GB      13%
          Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
          Flexible Volume Metadata                        64.25MB       0%
          Delayed Frees                                   235.0MB       0%
          File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%
          Total Footprint                                 10.45GB      13%
          Footprint Data Reduction                         6.85GB       9%
               Auto Adaptive Compression                   6.85GB       9%
          Effective Total Footprint                        3.59GB       5%
    Example output without TSSE enabled
          Vserver : vs0
          Volume  : vol_file_cg_75_per_compress
          Feature                                         Used       Used%
          --------------------------------             ----------    -----
          Volume Data Footprint                            5.19GB       7%
          Volume Guarantee                                     0B       0%
          Flexible Volume Metadata                        32.12MB       0%
          Delayed Frees                                   90.17MB       0%
          File Operation Metadata                             4KB       0%
          Total Footprint                                  5.31GB       7%
          Footprint Data Reduction                         1.05GB       1%
               Data Compaction                             1.05GB       1%
          Effective Total Footprint                        4.26GB       5%