Fan-out and cascade data protection deployments
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You can use a fan-out deployment to extend data protection to multiple secondary systems. You can use a cascade deployment to extend data protection to tertiary systems.
Both fan-out and cascade deployments support any combination of SnapMirror DR, SnapVault, or unified replication. Beginning with ONTAP 9.5, SnapMirror synchronous relationships support fan-out deployments with one or more SnapMirror asynchronous relationships. Only one relationship in the fan-out configuration can be a SnapMirror synchronous relationship, all the other relationships from the source volume must be SnapMirror asynchronous relationships. SnapMirror synchronous relationships also support cascade deployments (beginning with ONTAP 9.6); however, the relationship from the destination volume of the SnapMirror synchronous relationship must be a SnapMirror asynchronous relationship. SnapMirror active sync (supported beginning with ONTAP 9.3.1) also supports fan-out configurations.
You can use a fan-in deployment to create data protection relationships between multiple primary systems and a single secondary system. Each relationship must use a different volume on the secondary system. |
You should be aware that volumes that are part of a fan-out or cascade configuration can take longer to resynchronize. It is not uncommon to see the SnapMirror relationship reporting the status "preparing" for an extended time period. |
How fan-out deployments work
SnapMirror supports multiple-mirrors and mirror-vault fan-out deployments.
A multiple-mirrors fan-out deployment consists of a source volume that has a mirror relationship to multiple secondary volumes.
A mirror-vault fan-out deployment consists of a source volume that has a mirror relationship to a secondary volume and a SnapVault relationship to a different secondary volume.
Beginning with ONTAP 9.5, you can have fan-out deployments with SnapMirror synchronous relationships; however, only one relationship in the fan-out configuration can be a SnapMirror synchronous relationship, all the other relationships from the source volume must be SnapMirror asynchronous relationships.
How cascade deployments work
SnapMirror supports mirror-mirror, mirror-vault, vault-mirror, and vault-vault cascade deployments.
A mirror-mirror cascade deployment consists of a chain of relationships in which a source volume is mirrored to a secondary volume, and the secondary volume is mirrored to a tertiary volume. If the secondary volume becomes unavailable, you can synchronize the relationship between the primary and tertiary volumes without performing a new baseline transfer.
Beginning with ONTAP 9.6, SnapMirror synchronous relationships are supported in a mirror-mirror cascade deployment. Only the primary and secondary volumes can be in a SnapMirror synchronous relationship. The relationship between the secondary volumes and tertiary volumes must be asynchronous.
A mirror-vault cascade deployment consists of a chain of relationships in which a source volume is mirrored to a secondary volume, and the secondary volume is vaulted to a tertiary volume.
Vault-mirror and, beginning with ONTAP 9.2, vault-vault cascade deployments are also supported:
A vault-mirror cascade deployment consists of a chain of relationships in which a source volume is vaulted to a secondary volume, and the secondary volume is mirrored to a tertiary volume.
(Beginning with ONTAP 9.2) A vault-vault cascade deployment consists of a chain of relationships in which a source volume is vaulted to a secondary volume, and the secondary volume is vaulted to a tertiary volume.