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Display information about local groups in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-ahibbard netapp-aaron-holt netapp-aherbin

You can display a list of all local groups configured on the cluster or on a specified storage virtual machine (SVM). This information can be useful when troubleshooting file-access issues to data contained on the SVM or user-rights (privilege) issues on the SVM.

  1. Perform one of the following actions:

    If you want information about…​ Enter the command…​

    All local groups on the cluster

    vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show

    All local groups on the SVM

    vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show -vserver vserver_name

    There are other optional parameters that you can choose when you run this command. Learn more about vserver cifs in the ONTAP command reference.


The following example displays information about all local groups on SVM vs1:

cluster1::> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show -vserver vs1
Vserver  Group Name                  Description
-------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
vs1      BUILTIN\Administrators      Built-in Administrators group
vs1      BUILTIN\Backup Operators    Backup Operators group
vs1      BUILTIN\Power Users         Restricted administrative privileges
vs1      BUILTIN\Users               All users
vs1      CIFS_SERVER\engineering
vs1      CIFS_SERVER\sales