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Change subnet properties

Contributors netapp-aoife netapp-dbagwell netapp-thomi netapp-barbe netapp-aherbin

You can change the subnet address and mask value, gateway address, or range of IP addresses in an existing subnet.

About this task
  • When modifying IP addresses, you must ensure there are no overlapping IP addresses in the network so that different subnets, or hosts, do not attempt to use the same IP address.

  • If you add or change the gateway IP address, the modified gateway is applied to new SVMs when a LIF is created in them using the subnet. A default route to the gateway is created for the SVM if the route does not already exist. You may need to manually add a new route to the SVM when you change the gateway IP address.

The procedure you follow depends on the interface that you use—​System Manager or the CLI:

Beginning with ONTAP 9.12.0, you can use System Manager to change subnet properties

  1. Select Network > Overview > Subnets.

  2. Select Menu options icon> Edit beside the subnet you want to change.

  3. Make changes.

  4. Save your changes.

    1. If the IP address or range entered is already used by an interface, the following message is displayed:
      An IP address in this range is already in use by a LIF. Associate the LIF with this subnet?

    2. When you click OK, the existing LIF will be associated with the subnet.