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Troubleshoot AutoSupport message delivery over HTTPS

Contributors netapp-dbagwell

If the system does not send the expected AutoSupport message, and you are using HTTPS or the Automatic Update feature is not working, you can check a number of settings to resolve the problem.

Before you begin

You should have confirmed basic network connectivity and DNS lookup:

  • Your node management LIF must be up for operational and administrative status.

  • You must be able to ping a functioning host on the same subnet from the cluster management LIF (not a LIF on any of the nodes).

  • You must be able to ping a functioning host outside the subnet from the cluster management LIF.

  • You must be able to ping a functioning host outside the subnet from the cluster management LIF using the name of the host (not the IP address).

About this task

These steps are for cases when you have determined that AutoSupport can generate the message, but cannot deliver the message over HTTPS.

If you encounter errors or cannot complete a step in this procedure, determine and address the problem before proceeding to the next step.

  1. Display the detailed status of the AutoSupport subsystem:

    system node autosupport check show-details

    This includes verifying connectivity to AutoSupport destinations by sending test messages and providing a list of possible errors in your AutoSupport configuration settings.

  2. Verify the status of the node management LIF:

    network interface show -home-node local -role node-mgmt -fields vserver,lif,status-oper,status-admin,address,role

    The status-oper and status-admin fields should return up.

  3. Record the SVM name, the LIF name, and the LIF IP address for later use.

  4. Ensure that DNS is enabled and configured correctly:

    vserver services name-service dns show
  5. Address any errors returned by the AutoSupport message:

    system node autosupport history show -node * -fields node,seq-num,destination,last-update,status,error

    For assistance troubleshooting any returned errors, refer to the ONTAP AutoSupport (Transport HTTPS and HTTP) Resolution Guide.

  6. Confirm that the cluster can access both the servers it needs and the Internet successfully:

    1. network traceroute -lif node-management_LIF -destination DNS server

    2. network traceroute -lif node_management_LIF -destination


      The address itself does not respond to ping/traceroute, but the per-hop information is valuable.

    3. system node autosupport show -fields proxy-url

    4. network traceroute -node node_management_LIF -destination proxy_url

    If any of these routes are not functioning, try the same route from a functioning host on the same subnet as the cluster, using the traceroute or tracert utility found on most third-party network clients. You can then determine whether the issue is in your network configuration or your cluster configuration.

  7. If you are using HTTPS for your AutoSupport transport protocol, ensure that HTTPS traffic can exit your network:

    1. Configure a web client on the same subnet as the cluster management LIF.

      Ensure that all configuration parameters are the same values as for the AutoSupport configuration, including using the same proxy server, user name, password, and port.

    2. Access with the web client.

      The access should be successful. If not, ensure that all firewalls are configured correctly to allow HTTPS and DNS traffic, and that the proxy server is configured correctly. For more information on configuring static name resolution for, see the Knowledge Base article How would a HOST entry be added in ONTAP for

  8. Beginning with ONTAP 9.10.1, if you enable automatic updates ensure that you have HTTPS connectivity to the following additional URLs:


