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Create an SVM for ONTAP S3

Contributors netapp-aherbin netapp-ahibbard netapp-forry netapp-dbagwell

Although S3 can coexist with other protocols in an SVM, you might want to create a new SVM to isolate the namespace and workload.

About this task

If you are only providing S3 object storage from an SVM, the S3 server does not require any DNS configuration. However, you might want to configure DNS on the SVM if other protocols are used.

When you configure S3 access to a new storage VM using System Manager, you are prompted to enter certificate and networking information, and the storage VM and S3 object storage server are created in a single operation.

You should be prepared to enter the S3 server name as a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), which clients will use for S3 access. The S3 server FQDN must not begin with a bucket name.

You should be prepared to enter IP addresses for interface role Data.

If you are using an external-CA signed certificate, you will be prompted to enter it during this procedure; you also have the option to use a system-generated certificate.

  1. Enable S3 on a storage VM.

    1. Add a new storage VM: Click Storage > Storage VMs, then click Add.

      If this is a new system with no existing storage VMs: Click Dashboard > Configure Protocols.

      If you are adding an S3 server to an existing storage VM: Click Storage > Storage VMs, select a storage VM, click Settings, and then click Actions icon under S3.

    2. Click Enable S3, then enter the S3 Server Name.

    3. Select the certificate type.

      Whether you select system-generated certificate or one of your own, it will be required for client access.

    4. Enter the network interfaces.

  2. If you selected the system-generated certificate, you see the certificate information when the new storage VM creation is confirmed. Click Download and save it for client access.

    • The secret key will not be displayed again.

    • If you need the certificate information again: Click Storage > Storage VMs, select the storage VM, and click Settings.