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Mount ONTAP volumes or data shares for NFS trunking

Contributors netapp-forry netapp-ahibbard netapp-aoife netapp-mdavidson

Linux and VMware clients that support trunking can mount volumes or data shares from an ONTAP NFSv4.1 server that is enabled for trunking.

Learn about supported clients.

If you are using ONTAP 9.16.1 or later and Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.7 or later (for RHEL 8) or 9.2 or later (for RHEL 9) as your Linux client, only one mount point is required for the trunking group. Mount the exported volumes with this command, using the trunkdiscovery option:

mount <lif_ip>:<volume_name> </mount_path> -o trunkdiscovery,vers=4.1

Otherwise, a separate mount point is required for each connection in the trunking group. Mount the exported volume with commands similar to the following, using the max_connect option:

mount <lif1_ip>:<volume_name> </mount_path1> -o vers=4.1,max_connect=16
mount <lif2_ip>:<volume_name> </mount_path2> -o vers=4.1,max_connect=16

The version (vers) value should be 4.1 or later.

The max_connect value corresponds to the number of connections in the trunking group.