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Assess physical storage requirements

Contributors netapp-dbagwell netapp-aherbin netapp-thomi

Before provisioning NFS storage for clients, you must ensure that there is sufficient space in an existing aggregate for the new volume. If there is not, you can add disks to an existing aggregate or create a new aggregate of the desired type.

  1. Display available space in existing aggregates:

    storage aggregate show

    If there is an aggregate with sufficient space, record its name in the worksheet.

    cluster::> storage aggregate show
    Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes  RAID Status
    --------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ------ -----------
    aggr_0     239.0GB   11.13GB   95% online       1 node1  raid_dp,
    aggr_1     239.0GB   11.13GB   95% online       1 node1  raid_dp,
    aggr_2     239.0GB   11.13GB   95% online       1 node2  raid_dp,
    aggr_3     239.0GB   11.13GB   95% online       1 node2  raid_dp,
    aggr_4     239.0GB   238.9GB   95% online       5 node3  raid_dp,
    aggr_5     239.0GB   239.0GB   95% online       4 node4  raid_dp,
    6 entries were displayed.
  2. If there are no aggregates with sufficient space, add disks to an existing aggregate by using the storage aggregate add-disks command, or create a new aggregate by using the storage aggregate create command.