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Define a schedule for creating a local copy on the destination with ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-aherbin

For SnapVault and unified replication relationships, you can protect against the possibility that an updated snapshot is corrupted by creating a copy of the last transferred snapshot on the destination. This “local copy” is retained regardless of the retention rules on the source, so that even if the snapshot originally transferred by SnapMirror is no longer available on the source, a copy of it will be available on the destination.

About this task

You specify the schedule for creating a local copy in the -schedule option of the snapmirror policy add-rule command. Learn more about snapmirror policy add-rule in the ONTAP command reference.

  1. Define a schedule for creating a local copy on the destination:

    snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver SVM -policy policy_for_rule -snapmirror-label snapmirror-label -schedule schedule

    For an example of how to create a job schedule, see Creating a replication job schedule.

    The following example adds a schedule for creating a local copy to the default MirrorAndVault policy:

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver svm1 -policy MirrorAndVault -snapmirror-label my_monthly -schedule my_monthly

    The following example adds a schedule for creating a local copy to the custom my_unified policy:

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver svm1 -policy my_unified -snapmirror-label my_monthly -schedule my_monthly