Configure alert settings
You can specify which events from Active IQ Unified Manager trigger alerts, the email recipients for those alerts, and the frequency for the alerts.
You must have the Application Administrator role.
You can configure unique alert settings for the following types of performance events:
Critical events triggered by breaches of user-defined thresholds
Warning events triggered by breaches of user-defined thresholds, system-defined thresholds, or dynamic thresholds
By default, email alerts are sent to Unified Manager admin users for all new events. You can have email alerts sent to other users by adding those users' email addresses.
To disable alerts from being sent for certain types of events, you must clear all of the check boxes in an event category. This action does not stop events from appearing in the user interface. |
In the left navigation pane, select Storage Management > Alert Setup.
The Alert Setup page is displayed.
Click Add and configure the appropriate settings for each of the event types.
To have email alerts sent to multiple users, enter a comma between each email address.
Click Save.