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Create a SnapVault relationship for FlexGroup volumes

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-aherbin

You can configure a SnapVault relationship and assign a SnapVault policy to the relationship to create a SnapVault backup.

What you'll need

You must be aware of the considerations for creating a SnapVault relationship for FlexGroup volumes.

  1. Create a destination FlexGroup volume of type DP that has the same number of constituents as that of the source FlexGroup volume:

    1. From the source cluster, determine the number of constituents in the source FlexGroup volume: volume show -volume volume_name* -is-constituent true

      cluster1::> volume show  -volume src* -is-constituent true
      Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
      --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
      vss       src          -            online     RW         400TB   172.86GB  56%
      vss       src__0001    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25GB    10.86TB   56%
      vss       src__0002    aggr1        online     RW         25TB    10.86TB   56%
      vss       src__0003    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25TB    10.72TB   57%
      vss       src__0004    aggr1        online     RW         25TB    10.73TB   57%
      vss       src__0005    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25TB    10.67TB   57%
      vss       src__0006    aggr1        online     RW         25TB    10.64TB   57%
      vss       src__0007    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25TB    10.63TB   57%
    2. From the destination cluster, create a destination FlexGroup volume of type DP with the same number of constituents as that of the source FlexGroup volume.

      cluster2::> volume create -vserver vsd -aggr-list aggr1,aggr2 -aggr-list-multiplier 8 -size 400TB -type DP dst
      Warning: The FlexGroup volume "dst" will be created with the following number of constituents of size 25TB: 16.
      Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
      [Job 766] Job succeeded: Successful
    3. From the destination cluster, verify the number of constituents in the destination FlexGroup volume: volume show -volume volume_name* -is-constituent true

      cluster2::> volume show  -volume dst* -is-constituent true
      Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
      --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
      vsd       dst          -            online     RW         400TB   172.86GB  56%
      vsd       dst__0001    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25GB    10.86TB   56%
      vsd       dst__0002    aggr1        online     RW         25TB    10.86TB   56%
      vsd       dst__0003    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25TB    10.72TB   57%
      vsd       dst__0004    aggr1        online     RW         25TB    10.73TB   57%
      vsd       dst__0005    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25TB    10.67TB   57%
      vsd       dst__0006    aggr1        online     RW         25TB    10.64TB   57%
      vsd       dst__0007    Aggr_cmode   online     RW         25TB    10.63TB   57%
  2. Create a job schedule: job schedule cron create -name job_name -month month -dayofweek day_of_week -day day_of_month -hour hour -minute minute

    For -month, -dayofweek, and -hour, you can specify all to run the job every month, day of the week, and hour, respectively.

    The following example creates a job schedule named my_weekly that runs on Saturdays at 3:00 a.m.:

    cluster1::> job schedule cron create -name my_weekly -dayofweek "Saturday" -hour 3 -minute 0
  3. Create a SnapVault policy, and then define a rule for the SnapVault policy:

    1. Create a custom policy of type vault for the SnapVault relationship: snapmirror policy create -vserver svm_name -policy policy_name -type vault

    2. Define a rule for the SnapVault policy that determines which snapshots are transferred during initialization and update operations: snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver svm_name -policy policy_for_rule - snapmirror-label snapmirror-label -keep retention_count -schedule schedule

    If you do not create a custom policy, you should specify the XDPDefault policy for SnapVault relationships.

  4. Create a SnapVault relationship: snapmirror create -source-path src_svm:src_flexgroup -destination-path dest_svm:dest_flexgroup -type XDP -schedule schedule_name -policy XDPDefault

    In ONTAP 9.4 and earlier, if the policy is not specified with the snapmirror create command, the MirrorAllSnapshots policy is used by default. In ONTAP 9.5, if the policy is not specified with the snapmirror create command, the MirrorAndVault policy is used by default.

    cluster2::> snapmirror create -source-path vss:srcFG -destination-path vsd:dstFG -type XDP -schedule Daily -policy XDPDefault
  5. From the destination cluster, initialize the SnapVault relationship by performing a baseline transfer: snapmirror initialize -destination-path dest_svm:dest_flexgroup

    cluster2::> snapmirror initialize -destination-path vsd:dst
    Operation is queued: snapmirror initialize of destination "vsd:dst".