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Configure existing shares for continuous availability

Contributors netapp-dbagwell netapp-forry netapp-aherbin

You can modify existing shares to become continuously available shares that the Hyper-V and SQL Server application servers use to nondisruptively access Hyper-V virtual machine and configuration files and SQL Server database files.

About this task

You cannot use an existing share as a continuously available share for nondisruptive operations with application servers over SMB if the share has the following characteristics:

  • If the homedirectory share property is set on that share

  • If the share contains enabled symlinks or widelinks

  • If the share contains junctioned volumes below the root of the share

You must verify that the two following share parameters are set correctly:

  • The -offline-files parameter is set to either manual (the default) or none.

  • Symlinks must be disabled.

The following share properties must be configured:

  • continuously-available

  • oplocks

The following share properties must not be set. If they are present in the list of current share properties, they need to be removed from the continuously available share:

  • attributecache

  • branchcache

  1. Display the current share parameter settings and the current list of configured share properties:

    vserver cifs share show -vserver <vserver_name> -share-name <share_name>
  2. If necessary, modify the share parameters to disable symlinks and set offline files to manual by using the vserver cifs share modify command.

    • You can disable symlinks by setting the value of the -symlink parameter to "".

    • You can set the -offline-files parameter to the correct setting by specifying manual.

  3. Add the continuously-available share property and, if needed, the oplocks share property:

    vserver cifs share properties add -vserver <vserver_name> -share-name <share_name> -share-properties continuously-available[,oplock]

    If the oplocks share property is not already set, you must add it along with the continuously-available share property.

  4. Remove any share properties that are not supported on continuously available shares:

    vserver cifs share properties remove -vserver <vserver_name> -share-name <share_name> -share-properties properties[,...]

    You can remove one or more share properties by specifying the share properties with a comma-delimited list.

  5. Verify that the -symlink and -offline-files parameters are set correctly:

    vserver cifs share show -vserver <vserver_name> -share-name <share_name> -fields symlink-properties,offline-files
  6. Verify that the list of configured share properties is correct:

    vserver cifs share properties show -vserver <vserver_name> -share-name <share_name>

The following example shows how to configure an existing share named "share1" on storage virtual machine (SVM) "vs1" for NDOs with an application server over SMB:

  • Symlinks are disabled on the share by setting the -symlink parameter to "".

  • The -offline-file parameter is modified and set to manual.

  • The continuously-available share property is added to the share.

  • The oplocks share property is already in the list of share properties; therefore, it does not need to be added.

  • The attributecache share property is removed from the share.

  • The browsable share property is optional for a continuously available share used for NDOs with application servers over SMB and is retained as one of the share properties.

cluster1::> vserver cifs share show -vserver vs1 -share-name share1

                      Vserver: vs1
                        Share: share1
     CIFS Server NetBIOS Name: vs1
                         Path: /data
             Share Properties: oplocks
           Symlink Properties: enable
      File Mode Creation Mask: -
 Directory Mode Creation Mask: -
                Share Comment: -
                    Share ACL: Everyone / Full Control
File Attribute Cache Lifetime: 10s
                  Volume Name: data
                Offline Files: documents
Vscan File-Operations Profile: standard

cluster1::> vserver cifs share modify -vserver vs1 -share-name share1 -offline-file manual -symlink ""

cluster1::> vserver cifs share properties add -vserver vs1 -share-name share1 -share-properties continuously-available

cluster1::> vserver cifs share properties remove -vserver vs1 -share-name share1 -share-properties attributecache

cluster1::> vserver cifs share show -vserver vs1 -share-name share1 -fields symlink-properties,offline-files
vserver  share-name symlink-properties offline-files
-------- ---------- ------------------ -------------
vs1      share1    -                  manual

cluster1::> vserver cifs share properties show -vserver vs1 -share-name share1

         Vserver: vs1
           Share: share1
Share Properties: oplocks