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Restore a single file, LUN, or NVMe namespace from a SnapMirror destination with ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-lenida netapp-dbagwell netapp-thomi netapp-aherbin

You can restore a single file, LUN, a set of files or LUNs from a snapshot, or an NVMe namespace from a SnapMirror destination volume. Beginning with ONTAP 9.7, you can also restore NVMe namespaces from a SnapMirror synchronous destination. You can restore files to the original source volume or to a different volume.

What you'll need

To restore a file or LUN from a SnapMirror synchronous destination (supported beginning with ONTAP 9.5), you must first delete and release the relationship.

About this task

The volume to which you are restoring files or LUNs (the destination volume) must be a read-write volume:

  • SnapMirror performs an incremental restore if the source and destination volumes have a common snapshot (as is typically the case when you are restoring to the original source volume).

  • Otherwise, SnapMirror performs a baseline restore, in which the specified snapshot and all the data blocks it references are transferred to the destination volume.

  1. List the snapshots in the destination volume:

    volume snapshot show -vserver <SVM> -volume volume

    Learn more about volume snapshot show in the ONTAP command reference.

    The following example shows the snapshots on the vserverB:secondary1 destination:

    cluster_dst::> volume snapshot show -vserver vserverB -volume secondary1
    Vserver     Volume      Snapshot                State    Size  Total% Used%
    -------     ------      ---------- ----------- ------   -----  ------ -----
    vserverB    secondary1  hourly.2013-01-25_0005  valid   224KB     0%    0%
                            daily.2013-01-25_0010   valid   92KB      0%    0%
                            hourly.2013-01-25_0105  valid   228KB     0%    0%
                            hourly.2013-01-25_0205  valid   236KB     0%    0%
                            hourly.2013-01-25_0305  valid   244KB     0%    0%
                            hourly.2013-01-25_0405  valid   244KB     0%    0%
                            hourly.2013-01-25_0505  valid   244KB     0%    0%
    7 entries were displayed.
  2. Restore a single file or LUN or a set of files or LUNs from a snapshot in a SnapMirror destination volume:

    snapmirror restore -source-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -destination-path <SVM:volume>|<cluster://SVM/volume>, …​ -source-snapshot snapshot -file-list <source_file_path,@destination_file_path>

    Learn more about snapmirror restore in the ONTAP command reference.


    You must run this command from the destination SVM or the destination cluster.

    The following command restores the files file1 and file2 from the snapshot daily.2013-01-25_0010 in the original destination volume secondary1, to the same location in the active file system of the original source volume primary1:

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror restore -source-path vserverB:secondary1 -destination-path vserverA:primary1 -source-snapshot daily.2013-01-25_0010 -file-list /dir1/file1,/dir2/file2
    [Job 3479] Job is queued: snapmirror restore for the relationship with destination vserverA:primary1

    The following command restores the files file1 and file2 from the snapshot daily.2013-01-25_0010 in the original destination volume secondary1, to a different location in the active file system of the original source volume primary1.

    The destination file path begins with the @ symbol followed by the path of the file from the root of the original source volume. In this example, file1 is restored to /dir1/ and file2 is restored to / on primary1:

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror restore -source-path vserverB:secondary1 -destination-path vserverA:primary1 -source-snapshot daily.2013-01-25_0010 -file-list /dir/file1,@/dir1/,/dir2/file2,@/
    [Job 3479] Job is queued: snapmirror restore for the relationship with destination vserverA:primary1

    The following command restores the files file1 and file3 from the snapshot daily.2013-01-25_0010 in the original destination volume secondary1, to different locations in the active file system of the original source volume primary1, and restores file2 from snap1 to the same location in the active file system of primary1.

    In this example, the file file1 is restored to /dir1/ and file3 is restored to /

    cluster_dst::> snapmirror restore -source-path vserverB:secondary1 -destination-path vserverA:primary1 -source-snapshot daily.2013-01-25_0010 -file-list /dir/file1,@/dir1/,/dir2/file2,/dir3/file3,@/
    [Job 3479] Job is queued: snapmirror restore for the relationship with destination vserverA:primary1