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Throttle FabricPool PUTs

Contributors netapp-dbagwell netapp-lenida johnlantz

As a storage admin, you can use PUT throttling to set an upper threshold on the maximum per-node put rate.

PUT throttling is useful when network resources or the object store endpoint are resource constrained. Although rare, resource constraints can occur with underpowered object stores or during the first days of FabricPool usage when TB or PB of cold data begins to tier out.

PUT throttling is per node. The minimum PUT throttling put-rate-limit is 8MB/s. Setting the put-rate-limit to a value less than 8MB/s will result in 8MB/s throughput on that node. Multiple nodes, tiering concurrently, might consume more bandwidth and potentially saturate a network link with extremely limited capacity.


FabricPool PUT operations do not compete for resources with other applications. FabricPool PUT operations are automatically placed at a lower priority ("bullied") by client applications and other ONTAP workloads, such as SnapMirror. PUT throttling using put-rate-limit might be useful for reducing network traffic associated with FabricPool tiering, but it is unrelated to concurrent ONTAP traffic.

Before you begin

Advanced privilege level is required.

  1. Throttle FabricPool PUT operations using the ONTAP CLI:

    storage aggregate object-store put-rate-limit modify -node <name> -default <true|false> -putrate-bytes-limit <integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]
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