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Commands for managing NTFS DACL access control entries in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-aherbin

There are specific ONTAP commands for managing DACL access control entries (ACEs). You can add ACEs to NTFS DACLs at any time. You can also manage existing NTFS DACLs by modifying, deleting, and displaying information about ACEs in DACLs.

If you want to…​ Use this command…​

Create ACEs and add them to NTFS DACLs

vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl add

Modify existing ACEs in NTFS DACLs

vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl modify

Display information about existing ACEs in NTFS DACLs

vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl show

Remove existing ACEs from NTFS DACLs

vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl remove

Learn more about vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl in the ONTAP command reference.