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Learn about ONTAP FPolicy event configuration

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Before you configure FPolicy events, you must understand what it means to create an FPolicy event. You must determine which protocols you want the event to monitor, which events to monitor, and which event filters to use. This information helps you plan the values that you want to set.

What it means to create an FPolicy event

Creating the FPolicy event means defining information that the FPolicy process needs to determine what file access operations to monitor and for which of the monitored events notifications should be sent to the external FPolicy server. The FPolicy event configuration defines the following configuration information:

  • Storage virtual machine (SVM) name

  • Event name

  • Which protocols to monitor

    FPolicy can monitor SMB, NFSv3, NFSv4, and, beginning with ONTAP 9.15.1, NFSv4.1 file access operations.

  • Which file operations to monitor

    Not all file operations are valid for each protocol.

  • Which file filters to configure

    Only certain combinations of file operations and filters are valid. Each protocol has its own set of supported combinations.

  • Whether to monitor volume mount and unmount operations


There is a dependency with three of the parameters (-protocol, -file-operations, -filters). The following combinations are valid for the three parameters:

  • You can specify the -protocol and -file-operations parameters.

  • You can specify all three of the parameters.

  • You can specify none of the parameters.

What the FPolicy event configuration contains

You can use the following list of available FPolicy event configuration parameters to help you plan your configuration:

Type of information



Specifies the SVM name that you want to associate with this FPolicy event.

Each FPolicy configuration is defined within a single SVM. The external engine, policy event, policy scope, and policy that combine together to create an FPolicy policy configuration must all be associated with the same SVM.

-vserver vserver_name

Event name

Specifies the name to assign to the FPolicy event. When you create the FPolicy policy you associate the FPolicy event with the policy using the event name.

The name can be up to 256 characters long.


The name should be up to 200 characters long if configuring the event in a MetroCluster or SVM disaster recovery configuration.

The name can contain any combination of the following ASCII-range characters:

  • a through z

  • A through Z

  • 0 through 9

  • " _ ", “-”, and “.”

-event-name event_name


Specifies which protocol to configure for the FPolicy event. The list for -protocol can include one of the following values:

  • cifs

  • nfsv3

  • nfsv4


If you specify -protocol, then you must specify a valid value in the -file-operations parameter. As the protocol version changes, the valid values might change.


Beginning with ONTAP 9.15.1, nfsv4 allows you to capture NFSv4.0 and NFSv4.1 events.

-protocol protocol

File operations

Specifies the list of file operations for the FPolicy event.

The event checks the operations specified in this list from all client requests using the protocol specified in the -protocol parameter. You can list one or more file operations by using a comma-delimited list. The list for -file-operations can include one or more of the following values:

  • close for file close operations

  • create for file create operations

  • create-dir for directory create operations

  • delete for file delete operations

  • delete_dir for directory delete operations

  • getattr for get attribute operations

  • link for link operations

  • lookup for lookup operations

  • open for file open operations

  • read for file read operations

  • write for file write operations

  • rename for file rename operations

  • rename_dir for directory rename operations

  • setattr for set attribute operations

  • symlink for symbolic link operations


If you specify -file-operations, then you must specify a valid protocol in the -protocol parameter.

-file-operations file_operations,…​


Specifies the list of filters for a given file operation for the specified protocol. The values in the -filters parameter are used to filter client requests. The list can include one or more of the following:


If you specify the -filters parameter, then you must also specify valid values for the -file-operations and -protocol parameters.

  • monitor-ads option to filter the client request for alternate data stream.

  • close-with-modification option to filter the client request for close with modification.

  • close-without-modification option to filter the client request for close without modification.

  • first-read option to filter the client request for first read.

  • first-write option to filter the client request for first write.

  • offline-bit option to filter the client request for offline bit set.

    Setting this filter results in the FPolicy server receiving notification only when offline files are accessed.

  • open-with-delete-intent option to filter the client request for open with delete intent.

    Setting this filter results in the FPolicy server receiving notification only when an attempt is made to open a file with the intent to delete it. This is used by file systems when the FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE flag is specified.

  • open-with-write-intent option to filter client request for open with write intent.

    Setting this filter results in the FPolicy server receiving notification only when an attempt is made to open a file with the intent to write something in it.

  • write-with-size-change option to filter the client request for write with size change.

  • setattr-with-owner-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing owner of a file or a directory.

  • setattr-with-group-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the group of a file or a directory.

  • setattr-with-sacl-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the SACL on a file or a directory.

    This filter is available only for the SMB and NFSv4 protocols.

  • setattr-with-dacl-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the DACL on a file or a directory.

    This filter is available only for the SMB and NFSv4 protocols.

  • setattr-with-modify-time-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the modification time of a file or a directory.

  • setattr-with-access-time-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the access time of a file or a directory.

  • setattr-with-creation-time-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the creation time of a file or a directory.

    This option is available only for the SMB protocol.

  • setattr-with-mode-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the mode bits on a file or a directory.

  • setattr-with-size-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the size of a file.

  • setattr-with-allocation-size-change option to filter the client setattr requests for changing the allocation size of a file.

    This option is available only for the SMB protocol.

  • exclude-directory option to filter the client requests for directory operations.

    When this filter is specified, the directory operations are not monitored.

-filters filter, …​

Is volume operation required

Specifies whether monitoring is required for volume mount and unmount operations. The default is false.

-volume-operation {true|false}

-filters filter, …​

FPolicy access denied notifications

Beginning with ONTAP 9.13.1, users can receive notifications for failed file operations due to lack of permissions. These notifications are valuable for security, ransomware protection, and governance. Notifications will be generated for file operation failed due to lack of permission, which includes:

  • Failures due to NTFS permissions.

  • Failures due to Unix mode bits.

  • Failures due to NFSv4 ACLs.

-monitor-fileop-failure {true|false}