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Configure intercluster LIFs on dedicated ports in ONTAP

Contributors netapp-aaron-holt netapp-aherbin

You can configure intercluster LIFs on dedicated ports. Doing so typically increases the available bandwidth for replication traffic.

  1. List the ports in the cluster:

    network port show

    Learn more about network port show in the ONTAP command reference.

    The following example shows the network ports in cluster01:

    cluster01::> network port show
                                                                 Speed (Mbps)
    Node   Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link   MTU    Admin/Oper
    ------ --------- ------------ ---------------- ----- ------- ------------
           e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0c       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0d       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0e       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0f       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0a       Cluster      Cluster          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0b       Cluster      Cluster          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0c       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0d       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0e       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
           e0f       Default      Default          up     1500   auto/1000
  2. Determine which ports are available to dedicate to intercluster communication:

    network interface show -fields home-port,curr-port

    Learn more about network interface show in the ONTAP command reference.

    The following example shows that ports e0e and e0f have not been assigned LIFs:

    cluster01::> network interface show -fields home-port,curr-port
    vserver lif                  home-port curr-port
    ------- -------------------- --------- ---------
    Cluster cluster01-01_clus1   e0a       e0a
    Cluster cluster01-01_clus2   e0b       e0b
    Cluster cluster01-02_clus1   e0a       e0a
    Cluster cluster01-02_clus2   e0b       e0b
            cluster_mgmt         e0c       e0c
            cluster01-01_mgmt1   e0c       e0c
            cluster01-02_mgmt1   e0c       e0c
  3. Create a failover group for the dedicated ports:

    network interface failover-groups create -vserver system_SVM -failover-group failover_group -targets physical _or_logical_ports

    The following example assigns ports e0e and e0f to the failover group intercluster01 on the system SVM cluster01:

    cluster01::> network interface failover-groups create -vserver cluster01 -failover-group
    intercluster01 -targets
  4. Verify that the failover group was created:

    network interface failover-groups show

    Learn more about network interface failover-groups show in the ONTAP command reference.

    cluster01::> network interface failover-groups show
    Vserver          Group            Targets
    ---------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------------
                                      cluster01-01:e0a, cluster01-01:e0b,
                                      cluster01-02:e0a, cluster01-02:e0b
                                      cluster01-01:e0c, cluster01-01:e0d,
                                      cluster01-02:e0c, cluster01-02:e0d,
                                      cluster01-01:e0e, cluster01-01:e0f
                                      cluster01-02:e0e, cluster01-02:e0f
                                      cluster01-01:e0e, cluster01-01:e0f
                                      cluster01-02:e0e, cluster01-02:e0f
  5. Create intercluster LIFs on the system SVM and assign them to the failover group.

    Option Description

    In ONTAP 9.6 and later:

    network interface create -vserver system_SVM -lif LIF_name -service-policy default-intercluster -home-node node -home- port port -address port_IP -netmask netmask -failover-group failover_group

    In ONTAP 9.5 and earlier:

    network interface create -vserver system_SVM -lif LIF_name -role intercluster -home-node node -home-port port -address port_IP -netmask netmask -failover-group failover_group

    Learn more about network interface create in the ONTAP command reference.

    The following example creates intercluster LIFs cluster01_icl01 and cluster01_icl02 in the failover group intercluster01:

    cluster01::> network interface create -vserver cluster01 -lif cluster01_icl01 -service-
    policy default-intercluster -home-node cluster01-01 -home-port e0e -address
    -netmask -failover-group intercluster01
    cluster01::> network interface create -vserver cluster01 -lif cluster01_icl02 -service-
    policy default-intercluster -home-node cluster01-02 -home-port e0e -address
    -netmask -failover-group intercluster01
  6. Verify that the intercluster LIFs were created:

    Option Description

    In ONTAP 9.6 and later:

    network interface show -service-policy default-intercluster

    In ONTAP 9.5 and earlier:

    network interface show -role intercluster

    Learn more about network interface show in the ONTAP command reference.

    cluster01::> network interface show -service-policy default-intercluster
                Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
    Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
    ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
                           up/up   cluster01-01  e0e     true
                           up/up   cluster01-02  e0f     true
  7. Verify that the intercluster LIFs are redundant:

    Option Description

    In ONTAP 9.6 and later:

    network interface show -service-policy default-intercluster -failover

    In ONTAP 9.5 and earlier:

    network interface show -role intercluster -failover

    Learn more about network interface show in the ONTAP command reference.

    The following example shows that the intercluster LIFs cluster01_icl01 and cluster01_icl02 on the SVMe0e port will fail over to the e0f port.

    cluster01::> network interface show -service-policy default-intercluster –failover
             Logical         Home                  Failover        Failover
    Vserver  Interface       Node:Port             Policy          Group
    -------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- --------
             cluster01_icl01 cluster01-01:e0e   local-only      intercluster01
                                Failover Targets:  cluster01-01:e0e,
             cluster01_icl02 cluster01-02:e0e   local-only      intercluster01
                                Failover Targets:  cluster01-02:e0e,